My family recently went on a little beach vacation. My iphone camera roll is FULL of images. SO many that I haven't even gone through them all yet. So for this month's installment of "what ____ looks like" I give you "what a beach vacation looks like shot and edited entirely with an iphone". These image are near and dear to my heart. We made some amazing memories and I'm so thankful to have these images to remind me! Who knows maybe next month I'll get around to editing and posting the images from my "real camera"! If you are on Instagram come follow my adventures there. I'm @summer_murdock!
Now you must go see what Jenny Cruger Photography | nashville family photographer's month looks like. I think she has been to the beach too and her images are always a treat!
If this is your first time visiting my blog or if you missed previous editions of "what ____ looks like" and you are wondering what I can do with my other camera go here, here, here, here, and here!