I had a GREAT time with this family...and hopefully that shows in the images. The weather got a bit cold but these kids were troopers. Mom is a photographer...which is a serious honor to know she chose me to capture her family.
mommy daughter love...
It's always super flattering when people spend a bit of time with me while they are on vacation. These two were here from Seattle and we got to spend a bit of time up in the gorgeous Utah mountains. It was really fun to do a mommy daughter shoot!
The mountains, a family, and a moose
This family came here all the way from my home state of Texas on vacation. I am always honored when people spend their precious vacation time having me photograph them. We had a wonderful time in this amazing setting and at the end of the night I planned for a special guest to visit these Texans....A MOOSE! Yeah, we got photobombed by a giant moose. It was a super cool way to wrap up our evening...and now this family has a portrait with a moose. I'm sure not many people can claim that. :)
What Little Sahara looks like...
There is nothing quite like being in wide open spaces. We headed to go see some sand dunes that I have been hearing about for years. It's amazing what you can find if you are willing to venture out and explore a little bit. It's not always easy. My kids usually complain that they don't want to go with me BUT they are always (well usually) happy once we get there. This amazing place is only an hour and a half drive from my house. We actually went twice in one week. This was the second trip. My daughter really wanted to go back with her friend. So I made arrangements for my other kids and off we went. We didn't see one single soul the whole time we were there. Talk about quiet? Almost surreal and unsettling at times but oh so good for me. This month I give you "what Little Sahara looks like".
If you saw the summer issuer of Dreamer Journal, you might recognize some of these images. :) Now be sure to go check out what this month looks like to El Hogan who is currently living my dream. Her post will blow you away...no joke. She even attaches her camera to some crazy remote control camera to make an amazing video??? I'm so blown away by it...you must check it out.
a good ol time…
This family? They are some of the most genuine and down to earth people. I had a genuine good time photographing them. Mom is a pretty talented fine art photographer. I was pretty honored she asked me to capture her family!
family love…
See? I told you. This was my first session of the season and it felt so good to photograph someone other than my kids. Loved this family. As I was driving to the session it was so overcast. I get bummed out when there is no sun for me to work with. The photo gods much have known because the sun peeked through for a short time just for us and I was very grateful.:)
baby love..
I hope that these images will stand the test of time and that in 10 years when this Momma looks back on these they will transport her back to this fleeting time in her life. It passes so quickly.
light, love, and family...
This family was vacationing in Park City and wanted little ol' me to capture their family! I am always honored when someone takes time out of their busy and fun filled vacation schedule and spend it with me. We had LOTS of fun during our session though...can you tell? AND...is it awful to say we lucked out because a wildfire started close by and filtered the light and made it soft and pretty and gorgeous? Yeah it's awful to say but one of the only benefits of wildfires...HA!
wild poppies….
The poppies have bloomed in one of my favorite spots. Seriously for the week that these flowers are up, this might be one of the most gorgeous places EVER! My girls wanted NOTHING to do with me and the camera while we were here so I just stood back and watched them. Love their relationship. So here is my "11 0n 11" get in the frame post for June. My selfie is a stretch this month...
See I told ya the selfie was a stretch. I forgot my tripod and back button focusing is tough for a 7 year old! She took some really pretty good shots but all blurry. :) I am really happy to have this image though. Seriously, my two year old gives the best hugs. I never want to forget how it feels to have this little girl squeeze my neck tight like this. I kinda love it!
Now you must go visit Leah Robinson to see what she has captured this month. Leah is crazy talented and is an Aussie. I may just show up at her house one day unannounced to visit her and her lovely country whether I am invited or not! HA!
sun drenched hills....
Man this family was fun! We had such a great time. These two little girls were SO full of life. Brother made me work for it a little bit but all worked out in the end. Mom and Dad are pretty cool people as well....and the whole family is easy on the eyes to say the least. Lucky me to get to document all this life!