dirty mirror self-portrait
It's funny how fleeting light can make you see things in a different perspective...which is refreshing and eye-opening. In this case it also taught me that my mirror is very dirty. :)
a whirlwind of energy
these two
me and her
Once a month I am getting in the frame WITH my kids. Feeling thankful for my tripod and remote right about now. Next month I have to make sure I challenge myself and try to get one of me and my oldest. If I write it here, I have to be accountable right? To see more inspiring mammas in the frame with their kids go here.
sometimes dusting is fun
A very rare example of a time when dusting the ceiling fan blades turned fun....
the moment before the jump
skater girls
Another rainy, overcast day. We haven't seen the sun for days around here which is unusual for August. It feels like October outside. I even had to wear a coat yesterday....makes me nervous that we will have an extra cold fall and winter.
sister time
grainy and shot from the shadows (not in a good way) but the moment trumps the imperfections for me...
the walking stick
Now that the other kids are all in school all day, I am going to have to work really hard to not make this a 365 of only this little gal...
first day of school
And just like that, summer is over. Three of mine at school all day this year. Last year of elementary school for my oldest. First day of first grade for my little guy. Feeling nostalgic!
mountain water slide...
The really hot hike to get here was totally worth it...even when the water is freezing cold snow run off....
homemade earrings...
When you are four and want your ears pierced really bad but your mom won't let you do it yet, your big sister will come to the rescue and make you some earrings out of twine, duct tape, and scotch tape. That's what sisters are for right? My oldest's creativity often leaves me in awe....
oh I love a rainy night...
ISO 8000 but it's fun to push the limits sometimes....
umbrellas and sprinkers
helmet, bike, and garage light
dusk indoors...
Shooting daily isn't always easy. Somedays I wait until the very last second to take an image....which means there is very little light left and I have to bump my ISO up to 4000. I managed to catch these two having a conversation about who has more smarties.