© Summer Murdock The Magic of Light Workshop


NEXT SESSION: 4/7/25 TO 5/4/25


Please note that past classes have sold out in literally seconds (I am not exaggerating or blowing smoke). To get email reminders when registration opens, sign up for my newsletter HERE. If you are interested in getting on my waitlist go HERE. 

Here are the online workshop details:

Class Overview

I have a profound sense of wonder and awe for light. At the risk of sounding cheesy, I would argue that light can turn something ordinary into something otherworldly. It has the ability to amplify emotions and connections in images and speak straight to the heart. Light can be the factor that takes an image from good to awe-inspring. 

So if we know that light is key in creating interesting images, are we really in control of it? Do we walk into a situation and really SEE the light and know how to use it to it’s fullest potential intentionally? The Magic of Light will push you to slow down, open your eyes and really SEE the light around you with fresh eyes. Happy accidents are awesome, but to really be in control of your craft, you should be able to walk into any situation and use the available light to it's fullest potential. This class will encourage you to think outside the box and experiment with all kinds of light both indoors and outdoors. We will cover hazy backlight, dramatic sun-flare, rim light, heavily shadowed light, full sun, overcast, available artificial light, and more. 

The Magic of Light will push you creatively as well as give you new technical knowledge and confidence that will help you let go of any fears about controlling the light around you and help you get the images that are stuck in your head out into your camera. All light may not be equal, but you really can make an interesting image in any kind of light.

What You Will Learn

  • explore how to slow down, be inspired by light and see it with fresh eyes

  • learn how I utlize my in camera meter to get great exposures and spend less time looking at the back of my camera

  • simple tips to help you focus in backlight

  • understand how to create varying degrees of haze and control it with intention vs luck

  • explore how to achieve dramatic sun-flare

  • identify the specific conditions that create dramatic rim-light

  • my light based outdoor location scouting system

  • explore the important role shadow plays in relation to light

  • learn how to best utilize the light after the sun goes down

  • explore how to get creative through manipulating exposures

  • identify some practical tips to make the most of overcast or flat light

  • learn to embrace full sun. Life doesn't always happen during the golden hour

  • explore ways to use artificial light in creative ways

Class Mechanics

This four week online interactive workshop will include:

  • daily interaction from me answering any questions you might have about the materials presented

  • video lessons to supplement each of the 12 written lessons

  • weekly assignments due each Sunday with individual feedback from me on each assignment via screen capture video

  • 3 bonus assignments to help reinforce the lessons (detailed feedback will not be given on bonus assignments)

  • editing videos will be provided where you will be able to watch me edit a few images in different lighting scenarios but please note this is not an editing class. The focus of the class is to create good images straight out of camera

  • silent students will be provided a section of the classroom to interact with one another but cannot ask questions outside that area or submit assignments

  • alumni students will be allowed to submit assignments in a group thread for brief group feedback from me

  • an informal, live Q&A where all active & alumni students in the class will have to opportunity to chat, interact, and ask questions live

  • silent students can to submit one question for me to answer during the live Q&A

  • a recording of the live Q&A will be presented for the silent students and the active and alumni students who could not attend the live meeting

  • at the conclusion of the workshop, a 240 page PDF will be provided containing all the lessons presented during the course

  • all class members will be invited to join a private Facebook group after the class ends

  • an opportunity to participate in the Magic of Workshop alumni monthly collaboration that you can see HERE


A DSLR or mirrorless camera and a firm understanding of shooting in manual mode

Dates of Next Class

4/7/25 TO 5/4/25


What is the cost of the workshop?

A full participation seat is $450 and a silent seat is $300 Alumni seats are $200 dollars but you must have been registered in a previous class to purchase one of these seats. There are no forum fees required to take the class. We accept major credit cards and paypal. Go HERE to watch this tutorial on how to register. 

What is the difference between a "full participation" or "active" seat and a "silent" seat?

Both silent and active students have access to all the class materials and can participate in class discussion areas. If you purchase a silent seat  you cannot submit assignments or images for feedback from me.

What is an "alumni seat"?

Alumni seats are offered to past students (both active and silent) that have taken a previous Magic of Light workshop. They will be able to join discussions, ask questions, and join in the live Q&A. They will also be able to post their assignments in a group alumni thread. I will make one group alumni student feedback video with brief feedback for those that submit. I do not accept late assignments from alumni.  Alumni students will also receive the PDF at the conclusion of the workshop. You must contact me directly to purchase an alumni seat. 

If the class sells out so quickly why don't you offer more seats, offer the class more often, or sell the class materials?

While I understand it is frustrating that the class sells out so quickly, I feel really strongly that the class size remain small. I never set out to teach this class to the masses. This class has become “successful” because of the one on one interaction and intimate vibe in the class. I do not want to change the very thing that has made the class what it is just to please the masses.  In order to be the kind of teacher I want to be, I have to limit the class size. 

The class runs three times a year. Yes, the demand is high enough that I could run it more often but I try hard to keep a work/family balance. I give my all in the class. If I ran it more often, I would burn out quickly. 

This class is about much more than the class materials. There is something special that goes on in the classroom that is intagtible. Yes, the PDF is great information but alone will not have the impact that actively participating in class will have. 

In the end I have to go with my heart. I will never please everyone, but I can stay true to myself and hopefully make an impact on those that take my class. Thanks for understanding. 

Why do you limit silent seats?

In a perfect world I would not offer silent seats at all but because of the hight demand I do offer some. As with any class, if you don’t do the work you will not learn and grow. I find that silent students tend to not do the work as often and the class does not have the same impact for them. Silent students do have a designated space to interact with one another in the class. If I let unlimited amounts of people join that group, it would change that experience as well. Finally, many active students feel intimidated posting their assignments for feedback from me in front of a small group. If they knew that possibly hundreds of people were watching them, the fear could be crippling. A big group changes the learning environment in class. I have to ensure that those who are there feel safe to share. 

Is there a wait list for the class?

Yes, I have a waitlist HERE. 

How many students are in each class?

Each class has about 15 active students, 50 silent, and 10 alumni.

How are the classes presented? Do I have to be online at specific times every day?

I will be presenting lessons inside the classroom and answering questions daily. I will also present the assignments inside the classroom and give you a date that they are due. You do not have to log on during certain times of the day. You can go at your own pace and log on to read the materials, watch the videos, and submit your assignments when it is convenient for you. This permits people from any time zone or part of the world to participate in the class.

How do I register?

The next class will be held 4/7/25 TO 5/4/25 In the past the class has sold out in literally seconds and no I am not exaggerating or blowing smoke. I recommend getting on my email list to be notified when registration opens.


I teach and mentor other photographers. Can I take the Magic of Light?   

I adhere to Illuminate Classes policy which states "We do think that teachers should be able to take classes but it could be a big conflict of interest if you teach the topics that the class you want to take covers. Our teachers have poured their heart and soul into their curriculum. It is copyrighted material and cannot be shared with others or used to develop workshop curriculum. If you register for a class and you teach the same topic, your money will be promptly refunded."

If you have any other questions regarding the class, email me.

boy standing in golden light next to a window


"Every now and then I feel like I get stuck in a creative rut. I've learned that it's on me to dig myself out of these holes and this class did just that for me. I was craving something new, craving a challenge; and I got just that, and more. I'm walking away from this class with not only a greater understanding and appreciation of light, but also with a toolbox filled with new tools to practice with. And more than even that, I'm walking away with a greater sense of identity. Having my work reviewed by Summer has given me a stronger sense of self and that has been invaluable. Never stop learning.
Ashley Jennet of The Stork and the Beanstalk

“This was my first ever workshop and I'll confess I was pretty daunted but Summer became not only an amazing photography mentor, but a wonderful and genuine emotional Counsellor, too!  She did all she could to make me feel that it's OK to make mistakes and turn in work that wasn't my best in the pursuit of pushing myself to try new things.  I feel sure that all the wisdom she so openly shared will really become apparent to me now the workshop has come to an end.  I've learnt a lot about myself that came as a surprise.  Invaluable stuff way beyond the technical know-how that will help me grow as a photographer.  Thank you Summer!”   
Louise Gibbons      

“This was, without question, the most thorough, thoughtful, in-depth class I've taken (online or in person). I am wowed by how much work Summer puts in, and in return, how much we (the students) get out of it.” - Posy Quarterman

"This workshop has turned me upside down and inside out! Thanks to Summer, I will never look at light the same way again. I have learned more in the past two weeks as a participant of this workshop than I have in the last three years! Summer is an incredible teacher. Her lessons were meaningful, thorough and filled with inspiration. From the first assignment to the last, she took me out of my comfort zone and pushed me to take my photography to new places both technically and creatively. Summer's critiques are extremely thorough, honest and full of encouragement; making the classroom a supportive place to learn and try new things. I am so grateful for Summer and for this entire experience. I can honestly say that I feel like the sky is the limit now!"
Rachel McCalley

“I have wanted to do Summer's Magic of Light class for YEARS and I was a teeny bit worried my expectations may have been a little high. I should not have been concerned at all. The class was way way way beyond my expectations and Summer is a kind, thoughtful, generous teacher and her feedback was so helpful I feel like I have a whole new understanding of light now.” - Bec Griffiths

“This course was a game changer for me. I already love to shoot the light, but my knowledge and understanding now goes so much deeper thanks to Summer sharing her lessons with us. The lessons were presented well, and the videos were so useful to demonstrate the theory. I’m incredibly grateful to have been able to participate in this wonderful course and I can see why it’s so popular! Thanks Summer.” - Merissa Wakefield

“Light has always been my weakest element. As an established photographer that has a good grasp on all the other aspects of photography Summer's workshop filled in the "light" gaps that were missing in my work! Very informative and detailed. It is absolutely worth the 3 year wait! Summer explains in detail how to approach any light no matter what time of the day it is and create interesting images. What I loved about this workshop is the creative ways you can use light. I am more intentional when it comes to light now (in all lighting situations) and feel confident using any available light around me. I haven't found any other workshop as focused as this one. Even as a silent student, this was exactly what I wished it would be.” - Reem Alshaikh

"I took this class with the hope that it would inspire me and help me get out of a rut. So much more happened.. Not only did I learn about the technical aspects of finding and shooting light but I also learned about myself as a creative being. Summer is a really fantastic teacher. She has a kind way about her that makes you feel at ease, you can tell that she truly wants you to GET what she's teaching. The Magic of Light left me feeling refreshed, inspired and ready to create beautiful photographs."  
Monica Hart

“I wasn’t sure that this class would be able to meet the hype, but I am happy to say that it did for me. Summer is an incredibly kind & patient teacher. Just reading the lessons is inspirational since they contain so many of her beautiful photographs. She fully answers questions about her career, photographing your own kids, shooting professionally etc. I expected to learn about light (and I did) and was pleasantly surprised to also learn about composition, editing, & creativity. Even as a silent student who could not ask questions, I learned so much and am so excited to put into practice all that I have learned.” - Keri Touby

“This class has already been a game changer for me. I've taken other classes over the years and have enjoyed them and learned things but this class is in a league of its own. I can already see a big difference in how I look for and notice light, it's like a switch flipped for me and now I see light in a different way and I notice it everywhere. Not only does Summer cover an unbelievable amount of technical pieces, but she also repeatedly encouraged us to be ourselves. Not just to learn the technical pieces as a way to gain success or attention or to take "perfect" images, but to be comfortable with the camera in our hands and then be free to shoot from a place of confidence and awareness, in our own unique style. To me it was the perfect combination of technical knowledge and encouragement to embrace my personal style and own it. I was also amazed at Summer's timely and thorough response to every single comment and question in the class, and the way that she treated everyone as equals, regardless of how long we had been shooting. It's such a welcoming and encouraging environment. I remember reading all of these reviews when I was debating trying to get in the class. I've been shooting for years and honestly wasn't sure if it would be worth my time and effort. For me it absolutely was. If you're on the fence about this class, I would say do it. I can tell that what I learned in these few weeks will change how I shoot long-term. I've already seen it and have no doubt it will continue.”
Kelly Lapp

“The class was so worth the wait. It completely lived up to my expectations and more. Summer's class materials are excellent in presenting the complex subject of light into very clear points of learning and Summer's photography that she used to illustrate those points is superbly inspirational. Having taken the class, I finally understand what it means to be shooting with intent because now I know what you can do with different kind of light and most importantly how to achieve the result that I want. Summer has shown me how to really see the light, which helped me to eliminate a lot of fear and uncertainty from my shooting process. And Summer is such a great, patient and kind teacher, that I already want to come back as an alumni to experience the creative atmosphere of her class again and again.” - Anna Fomina

“Magic of Light exceeded my very high expectations. After waiting for years to get into the class, I had set a high bar for the class content. Even so, I was blown away by how much I learned from Summer. She has a gift for explaining technical information in a way that is both easy to understand and applicable. A lot of information was covered over the three weeks but Summer presents it in a very manageable way. This class has given me a new appreciation and understanding of light; as well as passion for picking up my camera.”- Michelle Shott

“It is extremely hard to put into words, just what a gift this course is to a photographer regardless of your where you are in your journey. It is so clearly evident, that Summer pours everything she has into delivering a course that truly celebrates not only light but us as photographers and our paths to discovering and using light. Each detailed lesson provides great insight into seeing, thinking and celebrating light. The video walkthroughs of each lesson so beautifully adapt to different learning styles, so everyone has a platform to learn in the way in which they feel comfortable. I feel I will always consider this course to be an integral stepping stone in my photography journey. Not only for the knowledge I have gained, but for the freedom I now feel, to just make, to show up, to CREATE! May no apprehension stand your way in considering this course - Magic of Light is so much more than words, it is truly transformative.” Johanna Shannon-Little

“This class is a game changer! The format is easy to follow with detailed pdf's & videos to reinforce the information. Summer is very generous with sharing her expertise, and her critiques are constructive yet gentle. She is quick to answer questions students may have, and provides many examples & suggestions. This class provided so many "ah ha" moments & tip/tricks that I can put to immediate use to improve my skills. I feel certain that as I re-visit the information I will continue to learn more nuggets of information I missed the first time around. If you want to really "see" light in every way, I would strongly encourage this class.”  Amy Langley

“Blown away. Hands down, the best photography class I have ever taken. I have spent money on other online classes before, but would leave feeling like I didn't really learn anything new. Not only is Summer an incredible artist, but she is an exceptional teacher. Her love for teaching & for light couldn't be more obvious. If you sign up for this course, you will gain access to her brain & her eyes. She is online daily answering questions, making feedback videos, doing live meetings... she's always there & always interacting with every single student. I feel so much more in touch with my inner artist & I couldn't be more grateful.”- Camille Camacho

“ Even being a seasoned professional, it was fabulous to get a fresh new perspective on light and ideas. Great to listen to someone so inspiring and creative. It was just what I needed!” - Amy Herfurth

“My big take away (among many others) is that the camera does not see like our eyes see. I wondered so many times why I couldn't capture what I see, but in some ways that's not the point. There's a beauty in the way that the camera sees the world and it's our job to connect that with what our eye sees. The fact that the camera captures shadows so distinctly when my eye barely sees it is mind-blowing. I just had no idea. Summer helped me see that light breathes life into the ordinary, but one must look for the light. She has awakened my creative desires to get out there and shoot anything that speaks to me - there's a freedom there. And to end, hard work is key and I must show up and do that work if I want to grow. This is reality.” Julia Mueller

“I have tried for several seasons to enroll as an active student in Summer's MoL class, and finally relented to at least give it a go as a silent student. I was so disappointed at my initial enrollment, but WOW was I surprised! Yes, it would have been fabulous to have personal feedback, but the amount of wisdom, creative knowledge, and inspiration that I silently absorbed was way beyond my expectations! I am a wedding and family photographer and Summer's perspective on light has made me totally rethink when and where I shoot. I am FINALLY intellectually equipped to seek out the settings that will give me richer tones and the deeper dimensions that I have sought after for so long. Before, I would search for soft, even light...which is beautiful and has it's place. But now my perspective on light has changed. I find myself looking at light everywhere I go, imagining what I could do in camera. My client sessions, and my personal photographs, have tons more interest, depth, and variety. I can finally shoot the beautiful rim light images that set the soul on fire! Thank you, thank you, a million times, thank you, Summer!!!”
Holly Parker

“If you can only take one class ever, take Magic of Light with Summer Murdock. I have my BFA in photography, and this class alone is better than any other photo technique class I have ever taken, online or in a class room. This class delivers on so many levels beyond my highest expectations. The information delivered is so completely thought provoking and inspiring. Summer is authentic, knowledgeable and funny. This class ROCKS!!!”
Tobie Bridges

“All of us fall into a rut from time to time. Even seasoned photographers can find themselves frustrated and bored with their work. I have never taken a workshop before but knew without a doubt that a workshop taught by Summer Murdock would be money well spent. I was right. Summer's love and understanding of light, her gorgeous imagery, and her gentle approach to teaching and pushing her workshop attendees is the perfect combination. I joked that each lesson left me with a very clean computer screen, as I licked my screen just looking at her beautiful, inspiring images. While I came into this workshop having a good understanding of different lighting conditions, I walked away really solidifying those concepts. Summer is very deliberate in how she uses light, and she walks you through her process in an easy to understand way. I cannot even imagine where my work would be by now had I taken Summer's workshop when I was just starting out! I was so curious how she would teach a workshop about light online... I thought it would be difficult to teach these concepts without standing next to her, having her point out where that pretty light was. This workshop is like standing right next to Summer, as she points out where you want to place your subject to get beautiful, glorious light. Her instruction on metering was perfection. Her images are perfection, and gosh, that Summer chick... she can teach... and inspire... Whether you are new to photography or have been shooting for years, you will walk away from this workshop with lots of new ideas, feeling inspired to go and catch that magic light. Summer, I love you. You are improving the work of SO many photographers with this workshop. It's no wonder it sells out in minutes. It's worth every shiny penny.”
Laura Morita-Yeun           

"This class has opened my eyes in the big and magical way ... Summer is an open book and she is always here to help and encourage you in your search of light. If you are in a rut and need a push to advance in your photography journey this class is for you... I feel more confident and more inspired than ever!"
Nadia Stone  

“Every now and then I would take a photo that just spoke to me, the trouble was, I wasn't quite sure what it was about that photo that really made an impact, and I certainly wasn't sure I knew how I could recreate it. The Magic of Light class was a lightbulb moment for me. It was the way the light was used and captured in those images that I really loved! So now I was able to identify what it was about the light in an image that captivated me, I was able to name the lighting style and the best part, I was given step by step instructions on how I could create that lighting style purposely in my own images. The Magic of Light brought me to a new level of intentional shooting. I feel more knowledgable and confident approaching different lighting situations. Summer has a way of breaking a concept down and explaining it so that is easy to follow and understand. Every photographer would benefit from this class.” - Carrie Jones          

“The Magic of Light has been absolutely invaluable. I learned so much from the class. I think it is the best class I have ever taken hands down.” - Mariah Hechler                                                    

"What really brings me to photography is light and connection, and I have learned that it is precisely those two things that come together to make a good image. Summer Murdock really demonstrates this and shows you exactly how to make the most of the light that surrounds us all the time. She connects with students quickly and meaningfully. She has a thoughtfulness and genuineness that is so generous. Her enthusiasm and passion for light and photography radiates throughout this workshop. It is contagious. If you are drawn to imagery that is illuminated and full of feeling, and would like to bring your photography up a few notches using light and connection, then I highly recommend this workshop. It is full of light and life. You will walk away with new eyes - eyes that notice and appreciate each and every glimmer of light, whether holding a camera or not. Life is richer now for me, more illuminated, more sparkled, more radiant! Even as I sit and type, I can't keep my eyes off the light passing through my water glass casting a glow on my desk. Thank you Summer! Thank you for all that you gave me! I will always be grateful."
Cate Wnek

"Even if you think you are proficient in the use of light, this class is for you! Not only did Summer teach me new skills and tools for using light to my advantage; but most importantly, she helped me see how truly magical light really is. How to see it, to feel it, to be inspired by it. And how to capture what you see with your camera. I left this class feeling more inspired than ever. I will revisit the class material many times over. Summer is an amazing teacher; always available, so supportive and wants you to be the very best version of your photographer self.”  
Heather Chang

“I was so excited to get a seat on the Magic of Light Workshop.  Summer exceeded all expectations and the course was outstanding.   Not only does she convey her passion and enthusiasm for the art that she has mastered, but she is able to share and teach her skills to others in a way that is thorough, personal and authentic.  Which is a difficult feat online! The time and thought Summer puts into her videos and feedback is so helpful and encouraging.  So many gaps that I had in my knowledge base have been filled. 
I really am at the start of my journey, and I can't wait to see how my work progresses with these amazing tools that I have learnt in this truly awesome workshop. I can't thank you enough Summer.  This workshop had been a gift.”
Amanda Dalby

“Having taken several college level photography classes, I have to say that I learned more about light in this class than in any other I have taken. Summer is the only instructor I have ever encountered who can back every technical direction up with a photo to display the outcome. For me, this was so helpful and really married the artistic and technical concepts together in a way that I had not experienced before. I truly feel like I will make better photographs having taken this class.” - Alice Rouse

“I have learnt so much in The Magic of Light class and it has reignited the inspiration to create in me. I came in with such high expectations with the fast sell out times and those expectation have been exceeded and some. The way that the course is structured and each lesson was broken down was so easy to follow. The assignments set also helped apply that knowledge from the lessons so well. Not only is Summer an amazing photographer but also a very gifted teacher.” - Naomi Britton

"The Magic of Light workshop was such an eye opener for me! It truly was Amazing! I have always been such a huge fan of Summer's work and her incredible use of light. Coming into this workshop I knew I wanted a little more insight into the technical "how to" of capturing light and creating more dynamic images. I had no idea how much this workshop would really help bring things together for me. The lessons were thought provoking, informative, and accompanied by beautiful and inspiring imagery. Summer's feedback was thorough and extremely helpful. It is clear Summer has poured her heart and her knowledge into this workshop. She invested so much of her time into each and every individual there. This workshop has helped me to take a step back and to really evaluate what I want out of my imagery. It has given me the technical knowledge I needed to bring that vision to life. By the end of this workshop I was trying so many new things and breaking out of this "box" I was in of using the same lens at the same aperture in the same light. I see light in a whole new way now…and for that I am truly grateful!"
Amanda Burr

“This is simply the best class I have ever taken. Summer is a brilliant teacher, not only is she super knowledgable and passionate about her subject, but she is so generous with her time, has a unique and special way of explaining things so that they make perfect sense, and encourages you to push your creative boundaries. Something strange has happened, it's like I closed my eyes on my old world and opened them to a whole new world of light ... I can't wait to see where this next part of my journey takes me ... thank you Summer, I'm forever grateful!”
Emma Collins

Wow! Like many photographers, I felt pretty comfortable with a wide variety of light, and even, had a few people question whether I needed this class. I did! I learned so many amazing nuggets and weeks out from the class completion, I am still learning and incorporating the lessons Summer gives. Her feedback is unquestionably some of the best I've ever seen. Her investment in the class is like no other. I have nothing but praise for the Magic of Light Workshop! 
Kellie Brindley-Koonce

"As a hobbyist photographer who has been teaching herself for the past 5 years, I was SO hesitant to spend money on a workshop. Deep inside, though, I knew my hesitation had deeper roots than just financial. Deep down, I was intimidated thinking I would be putting myself out there in front of so many wonderful professionals. Of course I knew of many other workshops out there. But once I came across Summer's work, I was SO inspired and in awe! I knew her images really spoke to me and that is something I long to capture myself, for myself. I didn't think about it twice. I stalked her and signed up for the email to find out ASAP when the next run would be. I counted the days and on the day I counted the hours and cleared my schedule just to make sure I grabbed a spot. Something just told me she was different than others. Her work made me FEEL something I can't even explain, and I just KNEW I wanted to learn from her. Boy, was I not let down. She created such a wonderful learning atmosphere and made me feel so comfortable. That translated into the classroom and an amazing comraderie was born. Not only were her lessons so complete, but the images she presented as examples were so inspiring you had no option but to push yourself to be better, which was the whole point! She was so encouraging, patient, and understanding of my level of work, I will remain forever grateful."
Janielle Vergne-Granstaff

“I  knew this class was going to be really great, but it has exceeded my expectations in every way! I've learned more technique than I thought I would, I've been more inspired than I thought I would be, I've really grown in three weeks and I see how much further I want to go! I was just looking at my instagram feed and noticing how much better the past three weeks have been! Big growth in three weeks? That's crazy to me! But most importantly, I've been shooting everyday and going new places and just trying everyday to be better! -my outdoorsy husband and son have also enjoyed this too! :) Every morning, I woke up so excited to read the next lesson and get a new wave of inspiration and challenge for the day! 

Last year, I took on too many sessions and then crashed this winter and was totally burned out! I knew I needed to get back to why I love shooting and be inspired. This class has totally done that for me and MORE! I've reread and re-watched some of the lessons, but I can't wait to refresh myself on all of them and absorb even more! I still can't believe how much new information Summer has presented! I've scoured a lot of online tutorials, youtube videos, and a few other classes, but in this course, I felt like whoa, there is so much I don't know! haha! But it's refreshing to be really challenged and really pushed! 

Also, I'm seriously so impressed with how good of a teacher Summer is! She is obviously is an amazing photographer, but all of her lessons have been really clear and interesting! And I would imagine that it's super hard to explain some of these things instead of demonstrate! They're complex topics! And she's been so supportive and available to help with anything! As a teacher, I've seen a lot of people who are great at what they do, but can't teach it or communicate it in the right way, but she has given me so many thoughtful answers and her critique videos have been so helpful and encouraging! It's truly evident how much time and thought she's put into every aspect of this course and how much she cares! Summer clearly have a gift for teaching and I feel so honored to have been in her class! :) 

This course has gone way beyond my expectations and I am so thankful for the opportunity to learn from Summer! I know I will be a better photographer because of this experience!”
Therese Perdue

"I so enjoyed Summer's class.  Her pdf's were packed with invaluable information, perfect examples, and lots of gorgeous eye candy to go along with it all!  She was SUPER available throughout the class; answering questions, commenting on daily shares,  checking in to see if anyone needed help.  Her critiques were so thorough and useful...and done by video, which made them even better!  I learned so much and feel as if I upped my game after taking this class.  I highly recommend for anyone who knows that they are missing or just not there with that one very important part of gorgeous photography...the LIGHT.  Summer makes magic with it and lets you know exactly how she goes about it all."
Erin Konrath

"The Magic of Light Workshop is absolutely amazing! Summer does an awesome job of explaining in detail how to capture many different forms of light in our images! The information is presented in a format that is very easy to understand and follow. I would recommend this class to anyone learning how to use and capture all different forms of light in their images!"
April Burns

"This workshop was a game changer for me.  I felt going into it that I had a fairly good handle on different types of light and schedule my sessions during times of day where I can utilize sunflare and haze, but what I knew before pales in comparison to what I know now.  The information Summer gave in the workshop clearly illustrated how to achieve your desired results in every type of light imaginable.  Through her words, photographic examples and diagrams, I feel so much more capable to achieve the results I want in my photography.  Thank you, Summer!"
Amanda Voelker

"I just finished up the workshop The Magic of Light with Summer Murdock or as one of my class mates named her the “Goddess of Light”And she truly is just that!!Not only is each and every one of her images breathtakingly beautiful she inspires you to go out and look for that magical light and make it your own. I loved that she is an open book and that she teaches you exactly what to do and how to incorporate the techniques into your images to get the results that you want. Her feedback on assignments are just so good and detailed. I had so much fun in this class! The environment was just such a lovely uplifting one with classmates that where so supportive and so inspiring! I loved every second of this workshop and I cannot urge you enough to TAKE THIS CLASS it will change the way you look at light FORVER! It is by far the best workshop that I have ever taken!"
Chantell Sim of Chasing Tydes

“I don't know if words can elucidate how amazing this class was for me. Less than a year ago I started to really dive into photography - shooting everyday, joining forums, getting on Instagram and following amazing photographers. Summer's class has given me the confidence that (with LOTS of practice) I can make the work I want to make. The technical information is so specific - you want to shoot in backlight? Here's what to do. Overcast light? Artificial light? This will help you make the best of it. Not that any of this is easy for me now. But I have the tools and I know it will come if I work at it. The other component that made this class great, and this was huge for me, was Summer's infusion of creative motivation. Recently, I remembered a conversation with my college counselor when she asked about my career goals. I said I wanted to study wild animals and take pictures of them. She said I could be a photographer for National Geographic, but only a couple of people get those jobs so I probably should plan on something else. I think I shut down a large part of my creative side that day. Twenty years later I'm back with a camera, and it wasn't until this Workshop that I truly believed "I can do this. I can make interesting photographs. I can be a photographer." The wild animals are now my children, but the excitement for me is all the same. P.S. I was a silent student.”
Christine Wright

"Summer's images are beautiful and dramatic and capture light so perfectly it's an easy trap to fall into to think that it is a result of post processing magic but that is not the case at all. In this workshop Summer does an amazing job teaching how to capture the light in camera. Going into class I wondered if the dramatic light that I saw everywhere I looked was able to translate to in camera captures. I'm happy to say after this class I feel like I have the tools to answer this question with a big yes on a consistent basis!"    

Monica McNeill

"The anticipation waiting for The Magic of Light to begin was hard. I've been a fan of Summer's work for a long time, and being able to learn from her one-on-one was exactly what I felt like I needed to get me out of a creative rut and learn to see light a little differently. And this class did not disappoint. From the organized and insightful lessons, beautiful and inspiring images, to Summer's quick feedback this class was everything I had hoped it would be and more!"
Lauren Sanderson

"I took this class because your use of light - the quality of gorgeous light in pretty much all your work inside or out - stands out in a big, big crowd of photographers.  Everyone has heard of golden hour shooting, but of course there's more and I wanted to get in on the secrets.  WHAT a class!  So much content.  Starting with looking for light was a great opening lesson and one that has really stuck with me.  I loved the little lessons focused on different aspects of finding light.  Your materials are stunning and inspiring, clearly written and substantive.  You clearly have poured your heart into this class and it shows.  What I loved most about this class is that it was incredibly inspiring but also really meaty technically.  It's harder than it looked, but I do feel like now I have the tools I need to practice, practice, practice."
Renee Jansen

"I've been shooting for years and learned many new things in this course. Equally helpful for someone new to shooting manual or a professional wanting to master technicalities or push themselves creatively, I recommend this course. The lessons are detailed and include a lot of variety in the examples. I was able to integrate what she was teaching into my everyday shooting, so the assignments were not extraneous work, but like having a tutor for what I was already doing. The course didn't teach me to shoot like anyone else, but to become a better version of myself technically and creatively.
Emily Mitchell

"This class was full of excellent information! whether you are a seasoned photographer or wanting to learn something new in regards to light, you will love it! i really learned so much about how to look for different types of light and use it to my advantage. so many "ah-ha" moments along the way too! thank you summer for sharing your knowledge! I loved every minute of it!" 
Corrie Owens

“There is a reason that The Magic of Light sells out in a couple minutes - it is that GOOD! I did not get in the first time I tried. I am so happy I did not give up because I finally ended up with an active seat in her May class and, yes, this class lives up to the hype and then some. Summer's work alone is a testimonial, but beyond this, Summer is such a knowledgeable, generous, and thoughtful instructor. She really does pour her heart and soul into this class and her students reap the benefits. If you love light and really want to learn the technique behind shooting in different types of light, this is the class for you! Summer is a master of light.”
Kim Ebert

“This course really did exceed my expectations. I expected to learn more about light and the different ways I could use it in my images. This was definitely achieved through Summer's lessons that had clever ways to help us understand and interpret light. But there was so much more in this class than I anticipated. Summer's love of photography and teaching was so evident throughout this class. The time and effort she put in blew me away! The feedback videos were awesome and she never left a question unanswered. By doing this she created such an open community feel to the group that then led the whole class to be so supportive and interactive. I feel like I have not only come away with a better understanding of light and how to use it but I also have taken away a new perspective of myself as an artist and have grown in confidence under Summer's guidance and encouragement. I can't recommend this class highly enough.”
Tanya Limb

“Thank you Summer for sharing your knowledge and experience! Playing with light has been an obsession of mine since I began shooting but I have been unable to be consistent in what I was trying to create with light. You made so many light bulbs go off in my head of why I could achieve what I wanted sometimes and not others. I will be forever grateful. Like some others in class have commented, I have taken several workshops and have not gotten nearly what I was expecting out of them. I was a silent student and, due to my hectic schedule, unable to participate much. But just reading your lessons and practicing the techniques with my 365 project have been amazing. Thank you again, you are such an inspiration!”
Stephanie Carlton

“I enjoyed Summer's class even more than I expected to! She really is a gifted teacher, and truly wants everyone to learn what she knows. She doesn't hold anything back, which is pretty incredible. I think Summer's class is worth every minute and every penny and then some. Even as someone who feels pretty confident as a photographer - there is just so much to learn and absorb. I plan on taking these materials and re-reading and practicing them on a regular basis. I feel I've been given a gift to create better memories of my family - full of life and light. I couldn't ask for anything more really!”
Tammy Wahl

“I really enjoyed this class! Summer's lessons are easy to read and easily understood. They were full of ah ha moments for me, which is something I wasn't expecting at all. Summer is very warm and approachable. I felt very comfortable to ask her any questions I may have had. I feel like I have learnt everything I was wanting from this class and a whole lot more. I have started to look at light in a whole different way and I love it!”
Emma Taylor

“I feel so much more confident shooting creatively in different kinds of light. The class materials are organized and the photo samples provided are extremely helpful as well as inspirational. I would even take this class again in the future. Summer is honest, knowledgable and professional. It was a wonderful 3 weeks.”
Jessica Vescera

“The Magic of Light workshop was pure magic. Not just of the light used in photography, but the light that Summer exudes through her kind and open way of teaching. She is magic. Her images are magic. The light is magic. I've never been more thankful for setting my alarm for 2am...that's what you get when you live in Australia and you're DETERMINED not to miss out again. For sure we learned lots of technical and wonderful advice on how to take magical photos manipulating light....but we also learned so much about being true to ourselves. Of living authentically. And for that I am extraordinarily grateful for. This is one workshop that you don't want to miss.”
Amanda Fraser

"Because this class is technically a mini-workshop, I did not expect nearly as much material as what Summer offered. I was delightfully surprised again and again at how broad and deep she went with the lessons. There's definitely more information than anyone could hope to master in a short two weeks, but that's such a positive thing. I have literally months of work ahead, practicing all Summer has taught us. And that's so exciting! That said, though, I can already see the effects of the class on my photographs. I'm already making shots that I never would've thought to try at the beginning of the class. I love to see obvious growth… it's so motivating! I can't wait to continue to review Summer's lessons and practice, practice, practice."
Sam and Jackie Photography

"The Magic of Light with Summer Murdock was the first workshop I have ever taken. Summer has always been a huge inspiration for me and I love following her work. When this class became available I was so excited to be a part of it. I truly didn't know what to expect and I didn't anticipate learning as much as I did. The class lessons were packed with tons of information and amazing examples. They were taught in a way that was easy to understand. The assignments were truly mind openers and I had several aha moments. Thank you so much Summer for everything and I plan on reading the lessons over and over and I plan to practice everything that was taught! This class has gotten me out of my funk! It has taken what used to be happy accidents in my shooting to intentional and deliberate use of light! This class truly encompassed the magical use of light in her own work and I couldn't be more pleased with what I have learned!” 
Sarah Hayes

"You know when you scroll through your newsfeed and you see a photo that stops you dead in your tracks? That draws you in because of the sheer beauty of the image? That is your work. I KNEW I wanted to learn from you the first time I saw your work. I can't thank you enough for what you've taught me with this workshop. Not only do you teach how to utilize and control light in  any situation, you give examples and tutorials complete with "recipes". You went above and beyond with the videos (Which were insanely helpful- thank you!) Learning how to utilize any available light was fantastic, but I LOVED having the assignments. And what I loved more than that was your feedback. Not only were you thoughtful and helpful, but you always made yourself available to answer any questions we had without making us feel silly for something that seemed so simple. So thank you. Thank you for you guidance and sharing your knowledge, a boost in confidence, a little self discovery and helping me shoot with a purpose. This class was something I knew I wanted, but didn't realize I needed. I am so grateful." 
Grace Presley

"This course has seriously changed my perspective on light and how I use it in relation to my photography. It has given me the confidence to step out of my comfort zone and push myself creatively to produce some exciting work that I would never have thought about before now. Summer is a fantastic tutor and communicates her lessons so that they are easy to digest and make so much sense. She is so generous with her time and sharing her processes to give added clarity to the lessons. The assignment feedback in invaluable. I thoroughly enjoyed this course and would recommend it in a heartbeat to anyone struggling creatively especially when it comes to lighting."
Abigail Fahey

"Oh Summer's light workshop....where to start. Im a hobby photographer, and a green one at that. I didn't even know I liked photography until a few years ago. I am still struggling to find my "style". I struggle with the idea that I create images that are easily passed over as "good" or "cute". I want to create these magical images that speak so much more. Summer's workshop provided me with the knowledge that will guide me to do just that. Throughout the 3 week course, lightbulbs went off and not only did I learn about light and how to use it to my advantage, I learned a lot about me and what kinds of photographs I want to create. She taught me that I can "create"! I don't have to just settle for what I see in front of me at a specific moment. Light has been my missing magical component and now I have a new sense of confidence that I will be able to seek it out in all kinds of situations- how to "see" light, how to work it in my house, how to find it in the shade, in the sun, on cloudy days. I am so grateful for Summer's clearly written lessons and the examples she provides. And the CC! I had no idea how helpful it would be to have a professional review my images and then tell me what she thinks. It has opened an entirely new door for growth. I was intimidated going in to the class- I had a fear that I wasn't good enough to be there- and I'm walking away thinking it just might have been one of the best things I've done for my photography growth thus far!" 
Katie Brenkert

"I loved, loved, loved this class. It fills up quick and I was a little bummed I got a silent spot- but you definitely get out of it what you put into it! Summer told me beforehand to do all the assignments and participate as much as I could as a silent student and I honestly don't feel like I learned any less! The lessons were so well thought-out. Summer explains things as if she were speaking to you personally. She encouraged questions- I learned a lot from reading her answers to other people's questions and watching her feedback videos. I loved that those were available to everyone. I was amazed at how transparent Summer was with her knowledge. I feel like some photographers hold back a little because they don't want to give away their tricks- but Summer was amazing and was totally open to any and all questions. This class was the best. My eyes were opened to light. When I wake up to sun- I can't get my kiddos and my camera out the door fast enough! My view and appreciation of the beauty of the world has been completely heightened. Best class ever." 
Ali Walker

"Most things that are heavily hyped and wildly popular disappoint, but NOT this class!!! The Magic of Light exceeded my very high expectations. This class is chocked FULL of rich, instructional material that is well written and beautifully illustrated with Summer's work. Summer is a great artist and also a great teacher and creative guide. You will not regret taking this class!"
Laura Visioni                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

“I had a pretty good idea of how beneficial this workshop would be for me, based on previous students' work but once I started it, the workshop blew my mind! It exceeded my every expectation, which were already high, and was an absolute joy to participate in for the 3 weeks. I have a greater understanding of light, more than I thought I would gain in such a short time, and I have the push I was needing to take my photography skills, my 'eye' and my creativity, to the next level. Summer, I can't thank you enough. It was THE BEST!”
Kate Cornfoot

"I really enjoyed this experience. To be 100% honest I wasn't sure it could live up to all the hype but it did and then some. You didn't try to change what we saw as a photographer, only how to improve on what we saw by making small changes which resulted in tremendous improvement to the photo. With all of the talk and diagrams about angles and sun and light, I feel like I just can't stop searching for it now with or without a camera in hand. The cc was extremely helpful and not all full of fluff (which I despise lol). If something was good you said so, but also pointed out how it could have been different or better. The class and cc helped me to see that its not about right or wrong, or a particular technique, but about learning to see and find the light that I want to see to use to tell my story. Enjoyed this course very very much."    
Staci Schonbrun                                                                                                

"I have taken loads of online classes through various forums over the last few years and this is the first one where I finally felt like I was getting it. Summer provides loads of information and lots of visual examples to explain concepts. Her video CC of every student was also awesome - detailed and personal, and she actually provided some real CC - not just cheerleading. I'd take any other class she taught in a heartbeat."
Sarah Gaskell

“Because of the popularity of the class, I wasn't able to snag an active seat, which I was super bummed about. I was hesitant on purchasing a silent seat, and really only had seconds to contemplate it, so I did. I was hoping I wouldn't be disappointed. I would have loved to have been active, but as a silent seat, I mean wow. I keep going back every week to re-read each lesson and the material given. I am astonished at how much information I had NOT learned through my journey with photography so far. I wish I had taken this class so long ago. I have completely fallen in LOVE with light. ALL kinds of light and shadows. The class was an eye opener (even as a silent student) and I cannot wait to pick up my camera every day. It is such a huge inspiration. I wish it was longer! Summer really puts her heart and soul into the class. I cannot say this enough.......... this class was amazing.”  
Angel Castillo                                                              

"I have been dying to take this workshop for what seems like forever and it was so worth the wait!!! The magic of light has been amazing and I am excited about how much i am taking away from it. I had an understanding of light but needed clarity and direction. Everything was all jumbled in my head..disorganized and honestly i was confused by certain concepts. This workshop has connected all the dots for me, so many unanswered questions that I now have the answers for. I finally have a solid foundation and the knowledge with how I can use the light. I truly feel like i am walking away with a whole new way of seeing light...but it was so much more than just a lesson in light too...each lesson was super informative, easy to understand, organized and full of stunning example images which were incredibly helpful. Summers feedback was invaluable and so thoughtful. I just loved hearing her perspective and seeing my images from her point of view . She really is such a sweet soul and an awesome teacher who puts her heart into the class. Now that the workshop has come to a close, I feel so much more confident with my understanding of light and knowing how to work with ALL light.I can make the light dance in my images "
Siobhainin Leavey

"BLEW ME AWAY! Even though I've had 8 years of experience and formal education in the photography field, something finally clicked. I feel like I have new eyes. I just can't even begin to explain how differently I am SEEING light for the first time. I thought I "got" it, but I still used a lot of soft, sort-of uninteresting light. The light is that WOW factor I have been missing all this time. Summer was a joy to work with! Something about her teaching method finally got through to me, and I truly think that my work will reach new heights as a result. I loved this class so much, and am planning to purchase one-on-one mentoring sessions soon. She is so responsive, informative, and very kind."
Lerin Wheeless

"I was hesitant to take a workshop, any workshop for any matter. I knew there would be so much information provided and it would be worth every penny, but I was afraid of losing my style and my vision. I've followed Summers work for sometime now, and have had a couple friends participate in her workshops and gave it an amazing review. I even emailed Summer about the class before signing up and what hesitations I had. She was so kind and assured me I would be fine. I signed up and the class was beyond what I had hoped. Summer teaches you all the technical aspects to create your own vision, and using light to enhance your images. Her work is incredible but her teaching methods are so inspiring and really move you to create what makes you happy. She provides the know-how and encourages students to create what they want as an artist."
Erin Blair

"The Magic of Light Workshop by Summer Murdock was exactly what I needed at this point in my journey. I've followed Summer's work for a long time and have been anxiously awaiting an opportunity to learn from her. I learned more than I ever expected I could. Summer's knowledge of light has helped me to see not only what I capture through my camera differently, but the world differently. I look at light everywhere now and see it in places and ways I never thought I could use to take photographs. Summer has helped to inspire me to be creative and artistic again...to shoot without abandon and to take photos of my own children that make my heart joyful. Thank you Summer for sharing your knowledge, your heart, your life and for being simply, wonderful you. It has been a joy and has changed my work and life for the better. xo"
Kristin Railton

“I learned to shoot on manual and then tried a few workshops here and there. I also had a 1:1 face to face workshop with a semi-local photographer. Each time I picked up a couple tips to improve and kept learning. This workshop turned my world upside down. I learned a whole new set of skills and most importantly what it means to use the light and see the light. It's beautiful and amazing. Plus I also learned additional technical skills which can take me to a whole new level. Cheers to a great class and a great instructor!”  
Britney Head                                                                                                                               

“This class will be a total game changer for me! Summer's information is invaluable because I see light so differently now. I can't wait to get out and truly master the magic of light.”    
Melinda Collins

"Thank you Summer once again, for your in depth lessons and your complete openness to share so much of your experience and knowledge. The detailed feedback from the assignments is amazing. I love the video CC it makes your explanations so clear to see your suggestions in action. You make a great teacher as well as an amazing photographer, I really loved being a part of The Magic of Light"
Emma Morgan

"Summer makes the magic of light a real and tangible concept. I feel like I am seeing light in a whole new way, and walked away from the class with concrete and specific things I can do IMMEDIATELY to learn and grow in capturing light. It is like learning an entirely new language, and Summer is the translator. She gives such clear instruction, is approachable, humble, and so affirming of people at all levels of skill sets. I had a silent seat, so unfortunately I was unable to benefit from Summer's specific critique of my work-- but having said that, I STILL feel like I came away with such valuable knowledge from her instruction alone! This class is definitely worth it-- you will be taken to a new level of seeing and capturing light!"
Jen Shenk

"This was the first interactive online workshop in which I've participated, and it was AWESOME!! I love utilizing light and shadows in my work, but was not always able to achieve consistent results, or capture the images the way I was imagining. WIth the knowledge I've gained from this workshop I have become more intentional and successful in infusing light into my images! And, I feel equipped to make virtually any type of lighting situation work for my photography. Summer provides valuable information in a supportive environment. I am so glad to have had the opportunity to learn from Summer and I highly recommend this class!"
Lori Dozier

“I would recommend this course to anyone who is serious about photography, even pro photographers can learn a lot! I can't wait to photograph my daughter in the setting sun, I've been waiting three weeks - that's England for you! Thanks Summer!”  
Mark Tierney                                                                                       

"So you have heard it all before, right? Backlight, side light, shadows, rim light, golden hour, natural light indoors. Artificial light outdoors. You have it all down? No. No you don't. Not unless you have been to Summer. Summer isn't just a person. Summer is a place. Summer is a state of mind. Summer is the rabbit hole. You are Alice. You need to fall down the rabbit hole. After your workshop with her, you will never again compose a photograph in the same way. You will feel giddy looking at some of your photographs and wonder why you are such a ninny, why you never arrived at certain ways of thinking yourself. But, that is the secret to a good Summer. Slapping on your favourite shades and seeing the world in a whole new way. Beautifully simple but it takes someone simply beautiful to unlock that in you. Go to Summer."
Laura Nenonu

"The Magic of Light workshop has been an amazing experience and one I would highly recommend! Summer teaches in such a lovely manner: always encouraging while helping you see and use light in such beautiful new ways! It has been such a growing and inspiring workshop! Thank you again and again.. And again, Summer!"
Liesel Sanday

"I had no idea what to expect from this workshop, but I was blown away with how much I learned in such a short time. It was literally the best class I have taken (and trust me, I am a seminar junkie and have tried just about everything). It was super easy to understand, and I really felt like I had a good grasp of what you wanted us to achieve in each assignment and how to get it. I can't wait to keep practicing with my pdf guide and push myself even more. The pictures I took of my own kids just playing around in the last two weeks are my favorite to date! Thank you, thank you, thank you! For the time you put in, for the easy to understand material and the awesome feedback on how to get better images and understand light!"
Nicole McCoy

"Wow, wow, wow. I was expecting this workshop to be good, but boy was I blown out of the water. Summer really packs it full of information, tips and advice, and I would guess that very little of what she teaches about harnessing light in photography would overlap with other online workshops out there. This is a technical class, but it is not about metering or finding the right exposure. It is about using light to capture the mood and emotion of the moment. I realise that that sounds a little non-technical, but Summer's own course syllabus gives you a fairly good idea of what will be taught, and any deeper understanding would require you being lucky enough to snag a seat! She also gives such thoughtful and detailed CC on all aspects of your homework that you will pick up tips beyond what sounds like the immediate scope of the workshop, e.g. composition and editing. Lastly, Summer is supportive but direct, which I really appreciate - no mollycoddling here!"
Kerry Cheah

"The Magic of Light workshop by Summer Murdock is hands down one of the best workshops I've done!  I learned so much and was inspired to push myself past my comfort zone and grow as a photographer.  Thank you for the great feedback - I especially loved having videos that talked through your process and or critiques of my images.  Super helpful!!  Thank you, thank you."
Kristen Ohran

"Wow, what a great class! I love Summer's work and when I saw she was teaching a workshop I immediately wanted to sign up. If only I could get a little bit of how she makes light so beautiful I would be grateful. And I am very grateful. Her lessons are filled with great information about all kinds of light, detailed lessons, easy to understand and fabulous photographs to go along with the explanations. The assignments were very helpful and pushed me out of my comfort zone. Summer is an awesome teacher who is very attentive, quick to respond to any and all questions, and is very encouraging in helping make you a better photographer no matter what level you are - from beginner to professional. I know I will go back to the lessons she gave in her class and will continue to learn. She is not only an awesome photographer but an awesome person as well."
Amy Boswell

"I am so happy that I took Summer's class and would highly recommend it to anyone who wants more in their pictures. It was amazing how just slowing down, stopping and LOOKING for (and at) the light, you can see the beauty in the simplest of things. In the everyday moments and things in your home can come from the mundane to something unique, special & beautiful. Of course outside light is a whole different ballgame and Summer had so much technical information to really help you get those awesome pictures in all different types of light. I know I have so much more to learn and am still digesting all her information, but it makes me excited for where this will take me."
Esther Dora

"I'll just start by saying Summer is an amazing teacher. I had such a wonderful time and learned so much about how to utilize all different types of light. More importantly, the light I learned how to work with is the kind of light I used to avoid! Shooting into direct sun and getting purposeful sun flare in my images now is something I strive for. Finding just the right amount of haze in an image and how to get it is such a wonderful feeling behind the camera. I also learned where to meter to get just the right exposure when dealing with tricking lighting situations. Summer's class is great for both hobbyists and professional photographers. She is a wealth of knowledge and she presents her work in a way that is easy to understand, she answers all questions thoughtfully and encourages all questions! I learned so much and I am loving my photos more and more. This class is worth every cent, thank you, Summer!"
Amy Rodriguez

"This workshop was absolutely amazing! It has opened my eyes and helped me to see light in a whole new way. I feel like my images are more creative and more thoughtful after the workshop. I notice sunburst and pockets of light that I never saw before, and more importantly I feel more equipped to utilize them. The exercises are very detailed and enlightening. I highly recommend the workshop to anyone wanting to learn more about light and adding interest to their photography!"
Lori Pickens

"Summer's Magic of Light Workshop was incredibly informative! She goes in depth on how to shoot in a variety of lighting conditions, and provides with specific information on how to achieve the correct exposure no matter what type of light you are shooting in. There were quite a few golden nuggets of knowledge from her workshop that I haven't learned elsewhere. I am really grateful I signed up for this class and can't wait to practice the techniques I learned!"
Shanna Grimes

“I loved taking The Magic of Light workshop. I learnt so much and Summer is a great teacher. I have come away inspired and feeling so much more confident in achieving the type of images I want. All the lessons had great content and I couldn't wait to try out some of the techniques. I would thoroughly recommend this course.”    
Shonagh Stockdale

“When I signed up for Summer's, "Magic of Light" workshop I had no idea that it would completely change how I approached photography (in the greatest way imaginable). I learned so much and have read and reread each lesson at least 10 times! She is attentive, knowledgable and teaches the class with passion and intensity. Even as a silent student I feel that I more than got my money's worth and it is no wonder that the class fills up in seconds. Absolutely amazing!”        
Rebecca Cuellar

"Summer's "The Magic of Light" workshop really lived up to its name! There were a wide variety of lessons that encompassed the beauty of light in every type of lighting situation, complete with many examples. She showed how to make any image come magically alive with available light.... and shadows! This workshop encouraged participants to push themselves out of their comfort zones into better photography through the assignments. One of the best natural light workshops I've taken in awhile."
Bethany Giannini

"I've been in business part time for just over two years, and primarily shoot families and portraits. This was my first workshop, and it was invaluable! I have related to and been drawn to Summer's images for quite some time now, the way she uses light makes her images so so interesting and nostalgic. While I think this course could benefit anyone, if you have been moved by any of her photos and want to capture similar images for yourself, TAKE THIS COURSE. She gives SO much of herself into the information, the assignments, and even shares what inspires her in hopes that it would inspire you. She is encouraging, and really an open book. She wants you to understand the concepts, and I feel that she goes over and above to ensure that. On top of that, I thought the atmosphere she creates in the class was welcoming and supportive. This class was just the nudge I needed to remind me that I am creative, too, not just another mom with a camera."
Christina McLennan

"When you sign on for Summer's Magic of Light, you don't take the workshop, you live it. After the first assignment you become obsessed with light (and lack there of too) and no matter where you are you are looking at it in a completely different way. The workshop assignments and material are excellent and I appreciated the honest critique. Put The Magic of Light on your list of "must take" workshops, you will be amazed how much you will learn."
Gretchen Giles

"Summer Murdock and The Magic of Light Workshop have been a true blessing to me! Summer has packed so much practical and inspiring information and examples into her lessons that it is mind-blowing! Summer has given me the tools to achieve the images I've craved and admired for so long! I feel like my eyes have finally been opened to using light creatively! I am BEYOND grateful for the opportunity to learn from such a talented and kind-hearted photographer! Thank you so much Summer!"
Carolyn Maria Photography

“Participating in this class was very exciting and rewarding to me.  The class is packed with information and Summer truly dedicates herself to answering your questions, offering advice and giving honest critiques of your work.  It was worth every penny!  Be prepared to push yourself outside your comfort zone, open yourself to seeing light in new ways, and producing images with intent and form.”
Michelle Valantine

"I wasn't an active student, but I still learned so much from this class. Summer's lessons were well thought out. She describes how she sees light and shadow, then explains, in detail, how to shoot in all lighting situations, and, of course, includes beautiful examples! The pdf is something I will return to over and over. I thought her constructive criticism was positive and full of helpful suggestions. She was such an encourager as well."
Laura Mood

"Absolutely best experience! This class was extremely eye-opening for me. I learned fresh techniques, concepts, and ideas. Summer is very encouraging, and I really appreciate her words of wisdom and her constant encouragement. She would post videos of inspiration throughout the class that really stuck with me too. I was first drawn to her class through her work, and now I can say that she is an amazing teacher and mentor as well. I am so appreciative of her sharing her vast knowledge and experience with us through this workshop. And I would recommend it to all my photog friends!"
Jin VanStee

"Being a silent student, I was unsure of how much information I would gain but I was totally surprised at how much I learned. Learning to see light and how to capture it well is something that will stay with me forever and I can't wait to get out there and practice. These are skills I have been wanting to learn for a long time and now feel confident that with practice I will improve."
Kathryn Jewkes

"I knew from the moment I saw your stunning photos that I wanted to, someday, learn from you! The way you work with light is so inspirational to me; it is as if you make magic out of your camera!  The Magic of Light workshop surpassed even my greatest expectations. I cannot put a price on what I learned, plus I was able to form invaluable relationships with others who share my passion for photography. From the moment I entered your classroom, I felt warmly welcomed and completely safe. You presented the material in such a way that it was not only easy to understand but fun to learn -- and that's why I looked forward to each new day in the class. I am thrilled by what I learned. I have a new awareness and appreciation for light, understand how to work with it creatively (and correctly) and feel a greater confidence in my skills as a photographer. I also appreciate your teaching style. You are every student's dream: An instructor who blends knowledge and critique with compassion and friendship. My experience would not have been everything it was without your support, kindness, patience and encouragement, and I cannot thank you enough! This workshop was everything -- and so much more -- than I expected. I will never forget this incredible experience! So, thank you!  xo"
Cass Kiggins

"I think the thing that I am the most grateful to be taking away from this class, is the feeling of empowerment that comes with that little bit of extra creative control. We all know that art doesn't just "happen". But there is such a difference between being able to appreciate beautiful light, and having the skills to use that light to make something truly magical."
Mariah Evans

"Summer - I just want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for leading such an amazing class. The information, your photos, the questions you have answered - I'm just blown away by your generosity in sharing your knowledge. Although I wish mother nature had granted me a few more opportunities for dramatic light, applying what you taught to the light available really helped encourage me to realize that my life right now, even though kid free and with less than desirable light, can still be worth documenting, and will still create beautiful imagery. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Tricia Bovey

"Summer Murdock's Magic of Light workshop was such a wonderful experience and I would recommend it to anybody that wants to dig deeper into their photography and really think about light and the impact it has on a photo. She teaches the technical aspects of photographing light in various settings and how to achieve the intended results in those settings. The lessons are well thought out and cover so many different scenarios and she is so helpful in providing feedback and answering questions. I cannot say enough good things about this class!"
Heidi Heaphy

"Summer's expertise and creative vision along with her warm and generous spirit makes her the perfect mentor for those of us at different points on our own photographic journeys. The creative exercises paired perfectly with what we were learning technically. Loved this course....and have so tons to take with me going forward. I am interested in learning to shooting more creatively (and getting it right) in camera, rather than extensively altering images in post, so this was absolutely the right course for me. "
Jodi Bradley

"I loved the Magic of Light Workshop. Summer was extremely open with all her knowledge of photography. She really captures light so beautifully and her feedback and lessons really made me think outside the box. It forced me to look at light in different ways. I would fully recommend this workshop. Summer is so knowledgeable and shared her passion for photography and how she achieves her beautiful photos. She answered all the questions and was so helpful."
Laura Finley

“When I made the decision to enroll in Summer Murdock's Magic of Light it was because I admired her work and her use of light. I was surprised to snag a seat in the class since they went so fast, but boy was I glad I did! This class was worth every penny I spent between the plethora of information, lessons about various kinds of light, editing techniques, inspirational videos, so much eye candy in her countless images she uses as examples and having Summer there answering all of your questions and giving video critiques of assignments. This class not only will have you looking at the world in a whole new way, you will come out a better photographer. I would highly recommend this class to anyone who is looking to take their photography to the next level.”          
Danielle Stevens

“Summer is a wonderful teacher. She is open, honest and gentle, yet thorough in her critiques. She broke down difficult concepts and made them accessible. I have NEVER learned as much in an online venue as I have in this class. I would gladly pay for it all over again. Summer is a sweetheart. Loved it!”
Nikki Keith

"I chose a silent seat because I knew my schedule couldn't accommodate full participation. I don't think I learned less and I could engage fully with other silent students. The class really flipped the switch for me. I have new found respect for my craft and recognize the importance of daily shooting. Summer was inspiring in that way, as here she is years later teaching others all the knowledge she's gained from reading, watching and shooting daily. And she really is giving. There's no secret sauce that she keeps to herself. The class blends technical knowledge and artful eye...and you do with that what you will. She's personable, approachable and easy to learn from. The students are equally engaged and willing to share. I'm so glad I had this opportunity and would jump at the chance to learn from Summer both as an alumni or another class. One more thing, many of us have amazing cameras these days full of features, some of which we'll never use. Summer's class, provides you with tools to use your camera all day long to make your art. It's not just about backlight. It's about having a vision and knowing how to get the result you want. You'll increase your chances of getting the image you want the first time you shoot with the tools Summer provides and with daily shooting. You won't regret this class."   
Zo Hummel

“As a current hobbyist when I'm investing in a workshop I have to think carefully about where I'm at in my photography journey, what I want to learn and what value I'll be getting from a workshop since there are so many options to pick from these days.  I had heard great things about Summer's workshop and the seconds of time that it takes the workshop to fill is only further testament to the quality and quantity of workshop materials. Summer is completely accessible for questions during the course, and leaves detailed feedback videos for each submitted assignment.  Watching her videos of not only my own assignment, but those of my fellow students really helped to cement the lessons.  I loved that she released the lessons daily since it kept me on track and continually engaged as opposed to releasing materials all up front.  The lessons are very detailed and shine with Summer's expertise on the use of light in images (and it is so fun to be able to see some of her SOOC photos too).  I can't wait to continue to go through the lessons with the PDF provided at the end of the workshop to continue to grow my ability to be in control of the light.  Awesome workshop!”
Leslie Norgren

“Summer, I just have to say that you've opened my eyes to a world of amazing things in this workshop. Seeing the light in a different way, verbalizing what I've loved in photos so that I know what it is and can shoot in that way on purpose. I seriously hadn't been aware enough to realize what I loved about photos was light in front of shadow. It seems crazy to say but it's true, you put the words in my mouth and now I can look for it and create images that I absolutely love.The other thing you showed me is that the photos that I'm drawn to are the photos that are pulled back and show a lot of the environment around the subject. I tend to be a close shooter when it comes to my kids. I realized this yesterday as I was shooting this couple and had tended to be more of that environmental shooter and made art in the way that I love. But, for some reason, when it comes to my kids, I want to be up in their business, capturing the details of their little faces. I'm going to work on that as well, capturing their facial details in addition to making purposeful art. Thank you so much, Summer, seriously this has been the most amazing workshop. So much better than I could have ever imagined.”
Sarah Pogorzelski

“This class exceeded all expectations I had. There is no shortage of material and visual examples in her lessons. Every thing you have wanted to know about light is here! Summer is the most thoughtful and generous instructor out there. She is extremely detailed in her feedback and does a video for every student each week! I can not believe how accessible she is for the duration of the class. She is truly one of a kind!”
Jaime Drake

“Thank you Summer! I am completely self-taught up until this year and while it's been a really slow process of experimentation, it's helped me come to understand what style I like.  I've enjoyed following you on social media the past few years. I can just feel the life in your photos; you capture the moods and your subjects well. I'm not even sure I would have started taking classes, if it was't one of yours.  Now that I have completed your course, I know I made the right decision. It's obvious that you come from a place of much experimentation and practice over the years.  That in itself is inspiring and a great message for me that I just need to keep practicing each day. But what I really loved is that your material was so insightful and thorough. It is very apparent that your wisdom was gained over many years, because each of your lessons answered the questions that started swirling in my head at the start.  I can't even imagine how many hours you must have spent preparing all of the course material, but I'm thankful!”
Gina Schlosser

“It took me three tries to get into the Magic of Light because the demand for Summer's class is so high, and even after that build up, it did not disappoint. This class is fantastic!  The content is the best I've seen, mostly because Summer gives such practical, tactical advice on how to use every kind of light and how to achieve the type of effects we are all aiming for.  She gives so many examples that you can really start to think broadly about how to use the type of light she's discussing.  But what makes this class so special is Summer.  Anyone that looks at her work can see how amazingly talented she is, but she's so humble and honest about her own growth and progress and what it took for her to get where she is, it's inspiring.  She genuinely wants all her students to come along with her and get better that she is willing to answer any questions and share everything - which is awesome!  She provides so much detailed feedback, comments on everything you post and answers every question.  It's kind of nuts really.  The last thing I'll say is that Summer is also really thoughtful about sharing her (and others') perspectives on what it takes to be an artist, to be creative, to grow.  It's an additional layer that I haven't had in other classes that I really quite enjoyed since it just reinforced the idea that this is one step in a journey, a set of tools you'll develop, hone and really make yours over time.  So while the 3 weeks go by INCREDIBLY fast, you have a whole arsenal of things to keep working on with Summer's amazing guidance.  Take this class!”
Liza Shakhnovich

“The Magic of Light workshop was wonderful and greatly exceeded my expectations.  The value provided in this workshop was worth every cent, I understand now why it sells out so fast.  I’ve always loved Summer’s work, she is incredibly kind and generous and shares everything she has learned with you. I’ve gained so much confidence from this course and I’d recommend it to anyone, whether they are just starting out or have been a photographer for years.  I’ve been taking pictures for the past 7 years and I wish I could have taken this course back then.  Every bit of it is amazing, I want to take it again!”
Ashley Williams

“I don't even know where to start honestly.  I was super intimidated to take this class but have been trying for years unsuccessfully to get in.   I wondered if I should just give up and take something that is easier to get into and quit trying.  I'm SO glad I didn't.  By the third day I told my husband if that was all I learned the whole course I would have been happy with my money spent.  I've never had a problem seeing beautiful light I see it everywhere, but this course gives you specific things to do with your camera as well as your subject to get the shot you want.   It's been the difference between trying a bunch settings and angles to get that lucky shot that you wanted and creating a shot with purpose and accuracy.  The shot you saw and wanted to happen will happen because you MADE it happen rather than you just got lucky.  The class is more than just light.  It is about knowing your camera better, how to compose with purpose and for me the unexpected thing I learned was shadows.  I've focused so much on light I didn't realize how important the shadows were.  This class is worth the wait and I can't wait to see how my work changes as a result of this class.”
Kristi Eckstein

“Summer Murdock's workshop was so much more than I expected... and I truly did have high expectations. It was filled with soooo much tangible, easy to follow, now go give it a go - try for yourself - kind of information. And the information is organized in a way that even with so much to learn, it is digestable. My eyes have been opened to seeing light in so many different ways now...along with the welcoming thoughts of what I might be able to create with it. Summer makes you feel like an instant friend and cheerleader all the while her guidance is thoughtful and personal. I would highly recommend this workshop and now I fully understand why there is so much demand. Thank you Summer. I am super grateful my path crossed yours. Thank you!”
Kate Borgelt

“This class was so eye opening for me. I thought I had a decent foundation on light before I entered this class, but I was completely wrong! The material, assignments, and feedback Summer gave pushed me both technically and creatively. She has poured her heart into this class and didn't hold back any information- she always answered our questions and I felt like she was there to hold my hand throughout the entire class. Thank you Summer!”
Sofi Husser

Magic of Light is one of those classes that just hits you where you need it. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced photographer, everyone will come away with a better understanding of light and how to use it in your images. Another unique aspect that I thoroughly enjoyed was the mix of technique and inspiration. Summer sprinkled lots of motivational and inspirational content throughout. It was the perfect combination. You can't help but walk away excited!
Elaina Borchelt

“I have taken several workshops, but this was by far my favourite one!!! I admire your work, I find it so inspirational... The materials are great, I really learned a lot and I want to do it all over again already. I love the way you answered questions, like taking to a friend and explained everything in detail.”
Elizabeth Renteria

“What a great experience!  So much information delivered in such a supportive and positive way.   I am a relatively new at photography so started the class feeling slightly nervous and intimidated by my fellow classmates.  But I didn't need to be.   All of the lessons were detailed and easy to understand.   Everyone was positive and supportive.  The video reviews after each assignment were cool - they were personal so felt like Summer was just chatting with me, but also very encouraging and informative.     I wanted to soak it all in.   Summer seemed so open and generous and willing to share absolutely everything with us.  It was A-Mazing.   These lessons were not just about the technical side of taking pictures, it opened up a whole new way of looking and actually seeing the world around me.    I will treasure my new thoughtful approach to appreciating what each day brings AND understanding better how to capture it.   I hope to come back as an alumni one day (after practice, practice, practice) to see how far I can take this.    Many thanks!”
Carol Horn

“Oh I don't know where to start. I have had this workshop in my "to take" list for the longest time. I had heard wonders about it and I could wait no longer. I was scared at first that I wouldn't gain much from it but from the beginning to the end there was so much to learn. The content is really amazing, but not only that, Summer is an attentive and talented teacher, she really cares for the students and shows how much she really wants us to understand the content and grow. This has been a wonderful experience, and I can't wait to practice more and put into practice all that I've learned here.”
Evelyne Lourenco

“Hands down, you were one of my favorite instructors for an on-line class.  Your material is well thought out and presented.  The video reinforcement is something new and really helped with a deeper understanding of the materials.  You share a good balance between the technical and the artistic.  It really pushed the creative side of my photography but my right-brained self was also satisfied with the sharing the "how to do it" and sharing your settings.”
Kelly Wilde

“Summer Murdock's Magic of Light class will transform the way you look at and see light. Summer's class includes explaining the different types of light, how to capture light with excellent tips on exposure and creatively adjusting your exposure to achieve your desired vision. This class has so much meaty content your photography will absolutely improve and you'll have content to review again and again... picking up something new with each read! Her photographic examples are stunning and informative, included videos help make concepts concrete, student feedback will allow you to grow in your art. Be prepared to have a paradigm shift and look at the world with fresh excited eyes.”
Lisa Edney

“Whenever I was shooting in light before Summer Workshop, i was crossing my fingers and hopping that the  result and exposure would be correct. I feel much more in control after this workshop that has improve my technical skills but also allowed me to reflect  about my art. Thank you Summer for your good advice, your generosity and your kindness.”
Linda Raymond

“I tried several times to register for this class, and when I finally got in I was beyond excited. I also had very high expectations. After completing the class I can say that it went above and beyond everything I'd hoped for. Summer has poured her heart and soul into this class, and it shows. Her willingness to answer any and all questions made it that much better. The information contained in the course is expansive and I can't wait to review it again later down the road and see what else I can learn from it. Thank you Summer for being an open book and for your kind spirit. You truly inspired me.”
Kensie Yarbrough

“I think with photography it is very easy to compare yourself to others and fall into self doubt that you will ever be as good as so-and-so.  It is easy to assume that the most inspiring photographers are just gifted and you can never be as great.  The main thing I took away from this course is that Summer (and other inspiring photographers) are gifted because they work so hard at it and push themselves.  They understand light and know how their camera works and thinks!  I have thought to myself many times "how in the world did she get that shot?" and what this course makes you realize is that you have to be able to see the shot AND you have to be able to capture it.  This workshop teaches you both- how to see and how to capture.  I think even the most seasoned photographer will have at least one (but probably many) ah-ha moments during this course.  Summer is so responsive and supportive through the workshop and I highly recommend.”
Stacie Youngblood

“The Magic of Light Workshop was everything I imagined it to be and more!  I anticipated that there would be incredible technical information shared during the course, but what I wasn't expecting was the awesome motivational aspect of the course material.  The imagery was of course incredible and beautiful, but in addition to that the countless videos and encouragement from Summer were invaluable.  Summer was very open, honest, encouraging and down-to-earth, so she felt so approachable right from the get go.  I'm so grateful I got to be a part of this last run and I know that the knowledge I received during the course will continue to "sink in" over the next several weeks and months.  Thank you for a wonderful, thoughtful course!”
Kerry Lee

“First off I couldn't believe I snagged a spot in this class!!! It was everything I had hoped for and more. Summer's lessons were so informative and thought out. She explained everything so thoroughly along with picture examples AND video descriptions of each lesson (which helped tremendously) This class was such an eye opener for me on shadows and metering, which was exactly what I wanted to learn more about. She has opened my eyes to a whole new world of creative photography and I am so excited to see where it takes me! I thought she was insanely creative before, but when you see her photos throughout the lessons, you truly FEEL them and I was blown away image after image! Thank you summer from the bottom of my heart! <3”
Nicole Houser

“This class was definitely worth the wait, so if you miss it the first time try again!  If you are in a funk or just finding yourself picking up your camera when you have a job to do, The Magic of Light Class will absolutely re-inspire you to start shooting everyday again.   Now I can't wait to get out there every night... it's like re-living the wonder of when you first picked up a camera - that spark.  In the sea of business and everything that comes with it, I feel like I'm starting to finding myself again.  Thanks Summer!”
Crystal Banting

“I've known Summer for almost 5 years now and knew this class would be amazing because I see the dedication, time, and effort she has put into learning her craft and progressing as a photographer and artist. Summer has a gift for teaching, she's honest and real and a hard-worker with so much knowledge to share. I knew when she started teaching that she would be completely dedicated to making her class a good experience for her students and that's exactly what she's done.  She spends so much time to giving personalized feedback to everyone in the class.  The amount of content her class covered blew me away.  Even if you feel like you have a handle on making a good image, you will still learn a ton from this class.  Yet, it is explained in such detail that if you are a new photographer you could still really benefit from taking this class as well.  So wherever you are in your photography journey, if you want to learn a TON about light from an experienced professional then this is the class for you.  I've been wanting to take her class for a while now, and the timing was finally right and it did not disappoint.  I'm a do-it-yourselfer by nature (have only taken one other workshop) and before this have learned most everything from tutorials and studying online. This class taught me in 3 weeks what could have taken me the next three years to figure out.  I highly recommend it!”
Lexi Fenton

“I can't seem to fully put into words how freeing and inspirational this class has been. In many courses a great deal of focus is concentrated on metering correctly for skin tones and in my quest to follow the rules and do everything right it hindered my creativity. This class and Summer have been a breath of fresh air! Obviously the class is focused on light but I was inspired to learn about light rather than just learning how to meter it.”
Heather Banks

“I just wrapped up The Magic of Light workshop as a silent student and wanted to leave a note to say how much the information presented is helping my vision and openness to create with light that I didn't appreciate before. Now, no type of light feels intimidating to me and I notice myself feeling inspired by light play in the most ordinary of places. I am still pouring over all the tidbits of helpful details tucked away in all corners of the forum. The forum is well-organized and user-friendly. Summer touches on so many aspects related to light and how to embrace it, and leaves no question unanswered. I would highly recommend the workshop for both seasoned photographers and beginners.”
Angie Klaus

“I really enjoyed taking the class with Summer, she was so friendly and very helpful. She answered all questions and explained every single lesson so thorough and I love all the videos that she have posted in the class. The assignment was fun. I really enjoyed my first assignment (and I have started to do it every week to exercise my creative muscle, thanks Summer!). All the videos feedback were clearly explained and I also learned a few tricks on PS from her too. I must say that this was the best investment that I have ever made!”
Min Mohd

“OK, I knew that this workshop had to be great because the way it sells out, within minutes every time it opens, it's just crazy, but little did I know how fortunate I was to get a spot in it, even as a silent student. This is by far the BEST photography class I've taken in all my years in business!... I re-learned and fixed things I thought I was doing right. I see light now in a whole new way!...
Summer is an incredibly talented photographer, I'm sure that's not a secret, but she is also a phenomenal instructor and super generous with her knowledge, she truly wants you to get the most out of this class, she doesn't keep anything for herself and answers every single questions you may have, so kindly. If you want to make a small investment that will take your photography to the next level, this is your class. THANK you Summer, it was the biggest pleasure to be part of your Magic of Light!” 
Aris Wells

“I love light. In fact I can remember thirsting for it's warmth my whole life. I grew up in California and every day was drenched in sunshine. If you are a photographer you can probably relate, it's all about light. When I first started to get a hold on my medium I felt I had a pretty good grasp on the concept of light and I felt pretty solid in my relationship with this beautiful power but something was always missing and I knew there was more to it then my work was conveying. When I first bumped into Summer's portfolio, WOW! Every time I saw an unmistakable Summer capture I would think, here is a women with an intimate grasp of light and I wanted that kind of relationship with it too.

I'm really not one for workshops or classes, in fact the last one I took was more than 8 years ago. I am a self taught camera artist and much more of the DIY, bookworm variety. I knew however, that a class under Summer's tutelage would be well worth my time and financial investment. If you are unsure about this class; maybe you are a more seasoned artist, maybe you feel like you get it, light, you love it, what more do you need to know? This class will push you. My only regret is that I didn't have more time to dedicate to the short three week instruction. Summer is an amazing teacher. She is gentle, professional and a safe place to share your work and ask questions. She is open and full of honest insights as she imparts her process with you. She demystifies light and gives you the tools to really harness its power with your camera and bring it's splendor into your own work.

A seat in the Magic of Light Workshop is more then a space in a class, it's an invitation to see the light in ways you've always dreamed of.”
Meg Daines

“There is a reason this class sells out almost instantly.  Actually there are several reasons, but here are a couple.... Summer is an inspiration, but she's also incredibly relatable and very humble.  She guides her students through each lesson and answers any and all questions without even a hint of annoyance...THE most patient teacher I've ever encountered.  This class pushed me to take my photography to a whole new level, truly.  I've never felt so inspired.  So, from the bottom of my  heart, Summer, I thank you.”
Coleen Hodges

“If you are looking for a class about shooting in all different kinds of light…..this is IT!  THis  was a game changer, for my photography path, as well as my everyday life..  I feel like this class has seriously taken my art to the next level!  Summer is an amazingly generous and patient teacher!  All the information shared here is truly invaluable!”
Kim McKinney

“If you are considering whether to sign up for Magic of Light, don't stop to think...just set your alarm for registration day! You're here, so you already know that Summer is an incredible artist and master of light. What you might not know is that she is also a generous teacher who genuinely wants to share her knowledge and help you grow as a photographer, wherever you are in your journey. She is honest and encouraging in her feedback and cultivates a warm community atmosphere in the classroom. Magic of Light covers all types of light, and Summer unpacks each scenario in a way that I could understand with pages of examples and options. (And shhhh! There is a lot of bonus material as well!) There are so many layers to each lesson that I've continued to grow and learn from the material since the course has ended. I left Magic of Light giddy with possibility and confident in all of the new tools I have to execute my vision. Thank you, Summer!”
Kristy Harrison

“I’ve been an admirer of Summer’s work for a long time, so part of me was pretty nervous to take a class from someone I held up so high.  After this class, it is so clear why her work speaks to me so much - her process.  The way she challenges herself and her students tenaciously, her outlook on living an artistic and creative life, technical skills, graciousness and, above all, her knowledge and love of light were all inspiring.  Summer teaches you how to recognize and more importantly how to control light.  This workshop gives you the absolute confidence to get the exact light you want in your photographs.  Summer is down to earth and super quick to answer questions and offer helpful constructive critique.  I will be forever grateful for this workshop and what it did for my photography.”
Megan Hooks

“This class completely blew it out of the water for me! I have taken a few light classes before so I was hesitant to take another one. However, I have been a huge lover of Summer's work for a long time and have heard so many incredible reviews of this class that I knew I needed to take it. This class was a complete game changer in my photography journey. I thought I had a pretty good handle on light before this class, but boy was I wrong. Summer has a true gift for teaching and lessons were extremely thoughtful, detailed, and totally pushed me out of my comfort zone. The feedback videos were filled with constructive criticism on things I would never think about in an image. Summer was so available during the class. She answered every question in a timely manner and even on daily shares. This class completely exceeded my expectations and is by far the best money I have ever spent on my photography journey!”
Clare Gratz

“The Magic of Light was everything I expected AND so much more. A perfect balance between information and inspiration.  All assignments were chosen to make us see, think, and shoot with intent.  You are a true inspiration to myself and to so many others. Thank you so much for your positive vibes, teaching and inspiring is clearly something you were meant to do!”
Miranda Sampson

“I have long been a fan of Summer's work and have admired while always in my mind wondering what made her tick, and what she would be like in person. She has such a unique style and her work is so recognizable.

I was fortunate enough make it into this last run of The Magic of Light workshop (it literally sold out in seconds). I was literally blown away by this workshop and it is hands down the best I have ever taken. Summer is completely present throughout the entire workshop from answering questions, to daily encouragement. It was unlike any workshop I have taken. The lessons were laid out in a daily format which made it so much easier to process and her feedback was incredible and thoughtful. She is just as amazing as you think someone who produces the works she does should be. So down to earth and willing to share all that she is as an open book for us to learn from. 

This workshop will push, inspire, and completely change the way you see light!”
Lisa Weingardt

“I was so impressed with how much of herself Summer put into this class. I felt like she did a wonderful job meeting each student at their individual level and truly seemed to want to get to know the students better. Her commitment to answering questions, providing thorough critiques and many examples really showed her dedication to seeing everyone grow. Even though the critiques were centered around light and the specific assignment, she often took the time to provide additional tips about editing, composition and other helpful tips. I was only a silent seat, but plan to return as an alumni and work through the lessons and assignments more thoroughly.”
Rebecca Sawyer

“This class was a perfect mix of inspirational and instructional. Summer certainly offers plenty of fuel for creative growth, but she also has a knack for explaining the nitty gritty specifics about light (with charts! and videos!) in a way that make sense. Before the class I considered myself pretty comfortable in any type of lighting, but I had at least one HUGE ah-ha moment a week. Wonderful class! Highly recommend!”
Tara Cosgrove

“This course rocked! For a  (very!) silent student my mind was blown at the wealth of information shared. This course has been invaluable in every sense and I have grown in leaps and bounds. It has ignited a new found love for light  as if I was once blind to this thing that has always been there and is always around yet taken for granted but now I am beginning to "see". Light is very literally MAGIC and limitless.Being such a newbie in my journey ( 18 months or so) I was very intimidated at the thought of even enrolling - but I am so glad I took the plunge! The information shared is taught in such an easy to understand way, not to mention the encouragement given along the way. For me this has been a decisive moment in my journey, game changing as well as infusing more purpose and direction in my photography. I cannot thank you enough.”
Rebecca Rottcher

“It's such a GREAT workshop! I'd been dreaming about it for almost a year, and finally I could get in! Summer is just the best teacher, She puts everything she has into this workshop She really is the master of light! Her classes are well built with all of the details You need. You can learn EVERYTHING about different lights!”
Nora Little

“This class has been the best thing I have done for my photography education/journey in YEARS!  I now have a much better understanding of how to more consistently get the pictures that are stored in my creative folder in my head.  I would sometimes get the great shots I was hoping for, but I often couldn't replicate my process or understand how I captured what I did.  I feel like now I have this great knowledge which can help me have greater control of how my photos turn out  -- How to coax the light to work for me and not the other way around.   I couldn't wait to open each new lesson and take in all the new info.  Summer really has such great insight, and her workshop is filled with inspiration and just the right amount of push!  Thanks again Summer!”
Sherine Smith

“Completing this course is a turning point for me.  I now have the tools to understand how to control light and create strong images that are enhanced by light.  I really struggled with this before but with the in depth knowledge that Summer has shared I feel like I can approach my images with intent and purpose.  I learnt to look for things I didn't even consider before.  Now I'm going back through my images and I can see what I have done well and could have done better, I had no idea where to start with reviewing my own work before.  I'm excited about what I will create with all of this incredible knowledge.  This is a must do course for anyone who is serious about wanting to learn more about light! Thank you Summer!!”
Norleena Horton

“I don't even know where to begin! The Magic of Light has pushed my brain way beyond what I expected, a bittersweet revelation. I know I am far from done learning about photography because there truly is no finish line, but I can't believe how much more there is to learn, tweak and expand. An amazing eye-opener for sure and one that I feel positive about because of Summer and my MOL friends. It is SO easy to become discouraged with photography - something I feel could be part of my personality as well as that whole 'creative being' thing - but this class has helped me turn negative thinking around, or at least begin that journey. The calendar may say the Magic of Light has come to a close, but in my mind, class is far from over. Now armed with fantastic tools, I have oodles of practice ahead of me and cannot wait to keep forging ahead with intentional and thoughtful shooting. I am inspired to work harder and share more. I am driven to push creative boundaries and not be so afraid to try. Quieting my mind-monster is top of the list, too. THANK YOU, SUMMER! You not only teach the Magic of Light, you ARE the Magic of Light. The level of patience, care, knowledge, and experience you have for your craft and your students is immeasurable.”
Holly Schnider

“This course truly opened my eyes on how to not be afraid of difficult light, but how to embrace all light. By learning how to work in all different types of lighting situations, you can shoot anytime, anywhere to work on becoming a better photographer. I now feel I have a good foundation on which to grow. Best of all, Summer truly creates a supportive classroom where students can experiment, be creative and grow. Thank you!”
Karen Koenig

“I stumbled across Summer, on Pinterest, while looking for something to inspire my dying creativity. I had reached a place where I felt so used up and burnt out that I was ready to put down my camera. Last fall, I started shooting what inspired me, and not much else. I was looking for light and authenticity and emotion and completely steering away from forward facing family portraits. I knew in my mind what I wanted to produce, but didn't really have a mentor to tell me how to make my camera see what I was seeing in my mind's eye. I stumbled upon this workshop, and it was exactly what I was looking for to fill in the pieces of the puzzle I was missing. I am so excited to see where the lessons in this workshop take my artistry!”
Angie Gann

“I signed up for this class because I knew that it had a great reputation and Summer's work is stunning. I was excited to be inspired to shoot more for a class and to learn, but I did wonder if it would live up to all the hype. Within a few days, I knew that it would. Summer has a way of teaching that makes even hard to grasp concepts understandable. She was able to explain in detailed terms how to achieve different effects with light in photos. As I was out shooting for class, I found myself looking for light and shadows in all new ways. I'm so inspired to keep shooting and looking for the light. If you can snag a spot, this class is worth every penny and then some.”
Katie McMenamin 

“Summer really is the light when it comes to the Magic of Light Workshop. I truly feel these past few weeks have changed not only the way I view photography, but the world and myself. What a privilege to be part of such an encouraging and uplifting workshop and group. It was absolutely worth the wait and exceeded every expectation. It really is an incredible experience, not to be missed! I'll be booking onto another Illuminate class, for sure.”
Faye Newman

"I went into this class in a bit of a rut. I wasn't sure where I wanted to go next with my business and was having a hard time finding my style. This class not only taught me an unbelievable amount of information but gave me confidence and recharged me to be creative and experimental with my photography again. Summer is a phenomenal teacher and takes so much time to explain anything and everything to you, and gives amazing feedback on assignments. I loved this class, and will probably be rereading the class notes for months to come (probably forever)."
Corinne Wilson

"After many attempts, I was finally lucky enough to get a seat in Summer's Magic of Light course. The wait was worth it!!! Summer taught me so much and in a manner that took the fear and anxiety completely out of the process. Her feedback is thorough, kind, and informative. Although the course moves at a fast pace, it is set up in such a way that you can easily go back and review each lesson – even after you have completed the course. I'm completely hooked on Illuminate classes and Summer's Magic of Light exceeded all expectations. Thank you Summer!"
Yasmeen Strang

"From day one of Magic of Light, I started to see my everyday surroundings in a whole new light. As the course went on, I started to feel more and more present in my daily life and in my creative endeavors. Not only did this course change my perspective completely, but it was packed full of technical aspects of lighting/photography that I had never even been exposed to! Summer was so incredibly thoughtful, detail-oriented, and caring to every single person in the class. She truly gives this class her all and I will be forever be grateful to her! I am leaving this course with a whole new vision and a whole new set of skills to continue to practice/work on. Thank you for everything, Summer! I would HIGHLY recommend the Magic of Light to any photographer."
Natalie Lucci

“This class was absolutely one of the best classes I have ever taken. Summer provides a unique learning experience that is inspiring, motivating, and challenging. She is an excellent communicator and detailed in her design of the course. This class has inspired me to push myself, try new things, accept failure and use it to my advantage, and be the artist I was meant to be.”
Kayla Purnell

“The Magic of Light has been absolutely invaluable. I learned so much from the class. I think it is the best class I have ever taken hands down.” -Mariah Hechler

“Timing is everything. Magic of Light is a popular and well sought out class and it's takes lightening speed hands to get in. I took me several years and the genius idea of the wait list to get in. This class came to me at the right time, it honestly wouldn't have been the same experience for me if I had gotten in a few years ago. I was a different photographer then. I think that is important for those who want to take this class and find it difficult to get in, keep trying, it will happen at the right time. Was it worth the wait? Yes, it was!!! Summer gives great content, feedback, and inspiration in all her lessons and feedback. She is truly dedicated to her students. I am sure her family ate nothing, but cold cereal for three weeks as she helped us at every turn. I have sought light for a long time, but couldn't always identify why it would work and why it wouldn't. It was great to get an explanation of how and why light works and more importantly how to incorporate it. I will be referencing this class for quite a while and I feel confident that I will only get better from here.” - Meredith Jensen

“This class was EVERYTHING I had hoped it would be. I’ve been shooting in manual on my DSLR for only a year and was having such a hard time finding the technical information I needed to take my work to the next level. You truly filled in all of those gaps for me and I now know the work I need to do to improve. Your images were captivating and inspiring! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise!!! I’d hands down recommend this class to every photographer I know.” -Rachel Nafis

“I wanted a seat for this class for years and I was happy and slightly nervous when I managed to 'just' get a silent seat. But after the first three days it was already worth all the money and effort to even get in. I love the way you explain it, so clear and with so many great images to illustrate ((I'm Dutch, so slightly worried if it would be hard for me following along, but it wasn't at all!) After finishing each lesson I had the feeling I could do this, so easy and simple. The past three weeks all I did was look at light, talk about light and dream about light. And when I had a shoot all this new knowledge made me both nervous and excited. It really does feel like a new beginning and that is scary and refreshing at the same time. It was my first online course and i'm just blown away by your willingness to teach us everything you know and more. Again. Thank you!” - Madelon Verdoorn

“This is a great class for beginners and seasoned professionals alike. I have been in business for going on nine complete years now and I found many pieces of information in this course to be useful. I've learned to slow down and look for light, light in places that I've passed over time and again. I also picked up some very useful post-production tips along the way. You're not too "old" in this industry, or any industry, to stop learning and I think this class is a great example of that. Summer is warm and approachable and completely checks her ego at the door. She makes everyone feel welcomed, an unfortunate rarity in this field these days.I highly recommend the investment, even for us seasoned professionals. If nothing else, it helps you to push outside your comfort zone, be present and notice the LIGHT <3 It is Magic. I cannot wait to return as an alumni. Thank you, Summer!” - Rya Duncklee

“ I have learned so much from this class! I have been observing and capturing light already but have never linked them together. This class just made me understand why and what are behind and beyond! I have to say Summer is the first one I have seen who summarized and reasoned the theories so well and verified them firmly by the seamless practicing! Everything just makes so much sense! I’m also very touched by her attitude of showing up, mentally being ready, opening mind and keeping curious! I will come back and read all the things through again and keep practicing more! Thank you again! Love you, Summer!” - Nicole Wang

“This class was a game changer for me! It showed me how to actually get the good light - as in where to stand, where my subject should stand and where the light should be. Summer is very present throughout the class to answer questions and make comments. I highly recommend this class for anyone interested in improving their photography!!” -Betsy Taylor

“If you haven't taken this class, you should sign it up right now. I have been thinking about participating two years ago and I finally got a seat this year. How lucky I am! Summer used her unique teaching methods and personal charming to lead me to constantly develop my own skills. From the first week of this course, I solved my long-standing problems. Start slowly releasing myself and make the thoughts and shooting freer. Summer gave the student feedback very quickly. My first language is not English, but I feel very comfortable when I communicate with her. I am willing to ask more questions and this has never happened in other classes. Although I have taken some similar courses before, I still learned tons of information. This workshop was wonderful, so inspiring and it pushed my photography to a new level. Highly recommend "The Magic of Light " to everyone!” - Angela Hall

“This class was everything I hoped for and more. I have been searching for a class that teaches about different ways to shoot in different lighting situations and really wanted to focus on natural lighting. That was proving to be hard to find, but is exactly what this class does! I feel like I learned so much about things that were taking me years to figure out on my own. I appreciate the wealth of information that was given to me, the class is worth every penny. Summer is very laid back and explains things in a digestible way. She has an incredible eye for light (not to mention composition and telling stories) and is an inspiring teacher. It sort of feels like a good friend is giving you all of the little tips and tricks that you have always wanted to know about photography! I was a silent student but feel that I got a lot out of this class. You might not get Summer's feedback on your assignments, but the group of silent students were engaged and have a space to have discussions and offer feedback. It was a great experience that left me excited to go out shooting and inspired in a new way! It also left me seeing light and shadow everywhere. Thank you, Summer!” - Jenna Ammerman

“I loved everything about this course and would take it again in a heartbeat. Each lesson and assignment has been structured in a way that was so engaging and inspiring. The process has been a massive creativity boost for me. Summer's expertise, guidance and encouragement is one of a kind! I would recommend to everyone thinking of taking it, as it is not just about photography, but about seeing all the beauty around us in a new light.” Rachel Spearritt

: Absolutely loved Summer's Magic of Light workshop. I had heard from people I know who'd taken the class previously how much they loved it, but I couldn't have imagined how well thought out and well put together the content was, and the amazing job that Summer does explaining it all. I've taken away so much from this class, and started using it immediately in my family sessions. And I know that as I go through the content again, I'll get more out of it each time.” - Karen Webb

“Taking The Magic of Light class is a game changer. In this class, Summer will teach you how to study light and use it to take your photography to the next level. Also, she responds to questions quickly and provides invaluable feedback for homework assignments to improve your work. No question, taking this class was one of the best investments I've made to grow my business. am an alumni who took The Magic of Light years ago and took it again during this latest run. It was interesting for me to practice these skills years later in my photography journey, grasping concepts now that I didn't understand years ago.  I'm so grateful to Summer for creating this course. There's no question in my mind that it has helped me make better photos. Plus, studying light is truly a gift - both for my photography and enriching the quality of my day to day life.  I am also impressed with how down to earth Summer is. She's very approachable and open to answering any and all questions. Also, Summer says again and again, in order to master light, you have to do the work. But also reminds her students to be curious and enjoy the process. Wonderful advice. As artists we sometimes forget these things while we compare ourselves to others online and focus on curating pretty pictures to post on social media.” - Erica Loewenguth

“Class has been over a few weeks now and the thoughts in my head are still whirling. I learned more than could've hoped for in The Magic of Light (and I was a silent student). I see pockets of light everywhere now and wanting to capture them. It's like I have turned on a 6th sense. It's both amazing and uncomfortable because I want to stop and take ALL THE PHOTOS ALL THE TIME. There is so much more to play around with and learn and to build on the fundamental concepts in my head.” -Angel Campbell

“I feel this class gave me so much to think about and work on. It also boosted my confidence. I came in as a silent student, feeling very intimidated by the whole thing, but the sense of encouragement and community really made me feel good about the whole process and not intimidated at all about submitting work. I wouldn't hesitate to take the class again, and try to do an active seat next time. So much great information that I know I'll be thinking about and working on for years to come! Thank you!!! - Alexandra Matthews

“I took Summer's class as a Silent Student in April 2019 and I'm so glad I did. I received all the same lessons, was able to interact and get feedback from other Silent Students, but what was uniquely important to me was zero pressure to go through the material and lessons at the same pace as the active students. It's a huge amount of material in a short amount of time, and I was right in the middle of moving and kicking off a new season of farming. As a 2nd year photographer, I learned an enormous amount of information on technique and Summer's theory on light, which all make complete sense once you practice her ideas. I highly recommend this class to anyone serious about seeing the light.” - Gina Schley

“I feel this class gave me so much to think about and work on. It also boosted my confidence. I came in as a silent student, feeling very intimidated by the whole thing, but the sense of encouragement and community really made me feel good about the whole process and not intimidated at all about submitting work. I wouldn't hesitate to take the class again, and try to do an active seat next time. So much great information that I know I'll be thinking about and working on for years to come! Thank you!!! - Alexandra Matthews

“The Magic of Light course was inspiring and really helped to push and grow my creative abilities. Summer is an amazing teacher who is patient, knowledgeable, attentive and eager to help her students. Not only did I gain technical knowledge but I learned how to open my creative views with the knowledge from this course. It took several years to finally make it into the course but it was absolutely worth it!” - Jackie Cederholm

“I learned a lot during the magic of light course and as light shines on so does this course. Great and challenging assignments, you'll get a "backpack" filled with information to get you goin...as far as light can reach…” - Bieb T

“ This is really a phenomenal class, Summer does a superb job of explaining concepts and answering questions. The videos are especially helpful. I would highly recommend this class!” - Karuna Satov

“Oh man, I do not have enough good things to say about this class. There is so much detailed information and examples of how to execute what you picture creating in your head. It will certainly take some time to absorb all of that and apply it, and I know this will be material I will be revisiting again and again. I greatly appreciated that Summer took the time to record herself talking through the written lessons as well. I think a lot of us as photographers are visual learners, so having the information described in a few different ways really helped cement the information into my brain. What I think immediately improved my shooting was finally learning the ZONE SYSTEM! It seemed to antiquated and abstract and daunting that I never took the time to learn it. Boy, I tell ya, what a mistake that was! Summer breaks it down so easily that now I can really nail my exposure without my camera leaving my face or fumbling around to balance out my settings while the moment before me flits away. Thanks again Summer!” - Kara Baird

“The Magic of Light will open your eyes and change the way you see through your camera lens. Summer is a fantastic teacher who gives so much of her time and expertise to her students, helping them capture the light in every photograph they take. I learned so much from her detailed, thoughtful lessons, and from the feedback she gave to everyone. Also, her open, welcoming approach created a strong sense of community among the students in our class. It was great to see that so many of us share the same thoughts and feelings about our photographic journey. The three week class was inspiring and definitely helped me stretch and grow. I cannot thank Summer enough for sharing her light with all of us.” - Patricia Kelso

“The Magic of Light is an outstanding workshop! Summer is so genuine, and her warm and accessible teaching style conveys into an uplifting classroom space that is constantly enlightening and fun. Every lesson is full of clear, thorough instruction, illustrated with her stunning images. She has a wonderful way of translating complex lighting situations into understandable concepts that I can immediately practice...I had so many AHA moments during this class! I have been inspired by Summer's beautiful and arresting photographs for years, and learning specific techniques to see and capture light in this way has been a game-changer for me. I learned so much from the Summer's lessons, assignments, feedback and other students...mixed in with inspiring videos from other artists...I finish this workshop feeling rejuvenated, inspired and excited about photography again.” - Toni Porat

“Many photographers (like me!) are self-taught. That can leave us with big gaps in our knowledge and feeling those big gaps in our shooting... This class bridges that gap completely! I feel so confident in shooting and so excited with how much work there is to do! I cannot image the photographer I will be because of the launch pad of this class!! I knew this class was going to be magic, but I truly was BLOWN AWAY! I've taken years and years of courses and invested so much money in them, but this one blew them out of the water! So practical while also teaching you the WHY. You will start seeing IMMEDIATE results in your work, and it just keeps building, because Summer doesn't teach how to be mini-Summers, but how to see and embrace light for ourselves! This class was truly transformative for the way I think and a huge missing block!! Summer spends so much time with every student helping, coaching, and encouraging. She is magic! Don't hesitate!! Take it as soon as you can!!!” - Lottie Greer

The Magic of Light Workshop... what can I say about this class that will do it justice. At the end of the three week workshop I feel energised, creatively inspired and hugely grateful for the gift that Summer has given me; not to mention the support and encouragement from other amazing students in this class! Summer has generously shared her heart and soul to us all and taught us to really open our eyes and SEE the light in everyday life... in any situation! I can now and with continued practice, confidently spot beautiful light, pick up my camera and INTENTIONALLY capture that moment (without relying on a 'lucky shot'), getting it as close to perfect in-camera as possible. I have gained a wealth of knowledge and I'm excited to see where it takes me! This has, quite simply, been the best learning experience I've had! My heartfelt thanks to you, Summer! x” - Sarah Widdowson

“I had a lot of eye-opening moments through Summer's class, with my work, even in just a few short weeks, improving. I am now seeing light and shadows that I would have previously missed and excited to see where my newly acquired knowledge takes me as I continue to practise. And even though I was a silent student, Summer's explanations and accompanying videos were so detailed that I feel that I am leaving class a better photographer.” - Kristin Reinhard

“As someone who had attempted for years to get an active seat in this class, I now know it was worth the wait. I am so moved by this class...the material, the thoughtfulness that went into each assignment, each review, the camaraderie of the students. It was such a beautiful and amazing experience and truly like no other workshop I've taken before. Summer is a master of her craft and her passion for photography and the beauty in the art of it is contagious. I now find myself picking up my camera to practice and try something out when I never would have before. And that is all because of Summer and this workshop. I would tell anyone who has tried and failed to get into this class, do not lose heart. Your time will come and it will be even better than you imagined.” - Katie Oblinger

"It was worth the wait to take The Magic of Light! Summer Murdock is a talented photographer, and also a dedicated teacher. She gives so much of herself to the class. This class really pushed me, in such a good way. I was out of my comfort zone, which allowed me to see light in a new way! I find myself noticing light everywhere I go...so I now make sure I have my camera with me wherever I am. Summer is thoughtful and patient, and clearly wants her students to get as much out of the class as they can. I found the class supportive, positive and an all around great learning environment. I have taken many online photography classes. I do think what you put into it is often what you get out of it...but a great teacher is a wonderful bonus! Summer is a phenomenal teacher--so patient and clearly very committed to everyone getting the most out of the class. I cannot recommend this class highly enough.” -  Catherine Hales

“Summer was an open book. She freely shared all her knowledge, tips and experiences. When she offered feedback there was zero reason to feel self conscious because she speaks to you where you are, in whatever level of experience you have. She is positive and very knowledgeable. This was my third try getting into this class so I knew once I got in, I wanted to make the MOST of it so I worked really hard to stay on top of the lessons and assignments. And I got so much out of it (even as a silent student). Way too much, actually! It's going to take months of practice to really feel confident on just one of her lessons. Each lesson was packed full. I am so, so excited about what I just learned in the last three weeks. It has changed the way I look at light. And with the right light, "you can make even garbage look good.”” - Lillian Hoyt

“Magic of Light was worth the wait! Light was the missing piece in my photography and I didn't even know the immediate impact it would have. I knew the images I was drawn to and wanted to make but didn't know how. Summer is a super talented artist and just as dedicated as a teacher. She met all of the students where they were and pushed us all to ask questions, be a little uncomfortable and make the photos we took and wanted to take better! The energy, positivity, (above and beyond the lessons, videos, critiques) of this class is the boost I needed and can't wait to continue using and learning from all of it!” - Jessie Ellis

“The Magic of Light is an incredible class that far exceeded my expectations. I LOVED Summer’s teaching style. Clearly she is knowledgeable about this subject, her beautiful work speaks for itself, and she was also able to convey each lesson in a clear and inspiring way. She was generous with her time, going above and beyond with thorough video responses, and just so open and encouraging. I took so much away from this course, not just about light, but creativity and motivation as well. Don’t hesitate to grab a seat. You will love the warm environment, the creative challenges, and the confidence you find through this course. It is 1000% worth it and I took the class as a silent student!”- Courtney Lindell

“I had high expectations for Summer’s Magic of light workshop.. and it did not disappoint! I’m an experienced photographer but the way Summer explains light woke me up. And not just light but curiosity and approach to photography and creativity! The coarse is packed with information that I know I need to go back and slowly learn from now the coarse is over to glean even more from. Summer is a very present and generous teacher, like she wants you to get this and grow!
I highly recommend anyone at any level should take this coarse.” -Melinda Conaty

“The Magic of Light was a game changer for me. It gave me confidence to shoot (and edit) in any kind of light and inspired me to explore more creative opportunities. Summer is a passionate and compassionate instructor who coaches you through her process while revealing her secrets on how to find and use the magic of light.”- Colleen O'Donnell

“This course lived up to the hype! Summer breaks down ALL the different types of light, techniques used to maximize each type, examples of everything & it is amazing! I feel like I could take this course at different points in my photography journey and my takeaway would be different each time. Summer's eye for light, composition, storytelling are incredible and she holds nothing back with what she shares. I've also never taken a course where the instructor was so available to the students regularly.” - Sally Rudy

“This class completely surprised me. I thought I had a handle on light and had signed up mainly for inspiration as a silent student - I didn't even know all I didn't know! Also, I was definitely in a rut and hadn't truly realized it. I've been shooting for clients and Summer motivated me to shoot for myself on a daily basis again, and I'm so happy with the resulting images. I feel inspired and can't wait to continue practicing what she taught us and incorporate it into client sessions as well.”- Sarah Esposito

“Summer is a very thoughtful and thorough instructor. When I entered the class as a silent student, I had high expectations but she absolutely exceeded them. If you are looking for a photographer who is not afraid to be open, honest and really share their whole process from A-Z, this is the class for you.” -Shara Hall

“I'm so grateful for the Magic of Light class with Summer Murdock! She's such a gifted photographer and exceptional instructor. The lessons on light are amazing and the photos she includes to support the lessons are so inspiring! One of the things I appreciated the most was Summer's openness and responsiveness to questions (not just about light)! I also loved her feedback videos - she was kind, constructive and validating. I've taken a lot of photography classes but never as an active student. I'm so glad I chose to be an active student because it pushed me to pick up my camera (not just read about photography). Not only did this class teach me new skills and deepen my ability to see light, it gave me confidence which is invaluable. This was hands down the best photography class I've ever taken! <3” - Michelle Arlt

Summer is a natural teacher and you can tell she really gives it her all in this class making sure to answer every question and comment. I was a little nervous signing up as I still consider myself a somewhat beginner photographer but Summer does such a great job catering this class to all levels. If there is one class you should take to improve your photography skill this is it!” - Hayley Martin

“This class sells out for a reason: the content is clear, inspiring, applicable and unique. Summer gives a lot of herself and models how to put yourself out there in order to grow. That generosity fosters a sense of community. I learned so much. I connected with other photographers. I feel like a I have a roadmap for continued growth and greater confidence to pursue said growth. I'm so grateful for the class. It is pure magic.”- Erin Blinn-Curran

“The rumors are true. This class is worth the wait, and I'm actually surprised by how much time Summer spends on each lesson. Her feedback is thorough and encouraging, the videos she finds and shares are inspirational and well-timed, and I feel like I've learned a semester's worth of material in the last 4 weeks. I'm so glad I took this class.” - Allison Patel

“There was just so much incredible information packed into this class. Equal parts creative exploration and technical challenge, I would really recommend this class for a photographer who is ready to be pushed to level up.” - Kerry Constantino

“Thank you so much, Summer! This class had an enormous impact not just on my work, but on how I think about making art. I've loved every single lesson and so appreciate all the time and effort you dedicate to the course. Your love for photography and for teaching really comes across and I was inspired being around your creativity. I'm excited to take the next few months to fully process and practice everything I learned. That'll not only help me grow as a photographer, but bring so much joy and excitement to the work. Thank you again! It was a privilege to be here!” - Marjorie Cohen

“This class allowed me to see light (and more specifically, shadows) in a whole new way! I feel challenged and energized to take on some of the more "tricky" lighting situations that I've been too timid to face.” - Samantha Okazaki

“I waited years to take the Magic of Light. Part of me was afraid it would not live up to my very high expectations. It more than did that - it exceeded them. Summer is one of the best instructors I have had. She is a wealth of information. Her lessons were clear and enlightening (no pun intended). Although I am an advanced photographer I had many lightbulb moments. The zoom meetings were incredibly fun. She is a open book and so very thoughtful and warm. I got to know my other classmates and the whole experience could not have been better. I also enjoyed th einspirational short videos she sprinkled throughout the class which were food for thought and encouraging. This class was worth the wait.” - Melissa McCann

“ I've been at a plateau with my photography for a while, burned out and blah about what I was creating. This class has been so amazing!! I learned so many new ways to approach not only my camera but new ways of seeing and exploring how an image is made. I feel so grateful and excited! Thank you Summer!! You've created an awesome, real, practical curriculum for us to really learn and your engagement put it into one of my top photography courses ever!! And I've taken too many to count! Thank you!!” - Cami Flake

“This class is so inspiring and full of knowledge. From start to finish it is filled with creativity and technical details.” - Julia Meier

“This was well worth the investment. I came away with so much new information and felt like I grew so much in the month of lessons. Not just in learned skills but in confidence too. It was very fast paced with a lot of new information for me to digest but I really appreciated the encouraging. There are some very technical aspects of the lessons which I loved as I have predominately been self-taught photographer. As a silent student, I was really impressed to see that Summer took time to give little bits of encouragement to me and the other silent students. I really appreciated the way Summer made a video to revise the previous lesson. It was so helpful to digest the amount of information we were given. Thank you Summer for an amazingly in-depth class and for imparting so much of your skills onto other photographers” - Carly Robinson

“I loved The Magic of Light workshop, I'm so over the moon with how it changed my whole outlook on photography, creating art and slowing down to see light (and shadows). Summer is an amazing teacher, she genuinely cared about giving relevant and thoughtful feedback. She was an open book throughout the course, sharing generously all her years of knowledge as a practising photographer and artist. I feel very blessed to have been able to attend The Magic of Light, Summer thank you so much.” - Komal Tilyard

“I'm so glad I enrolled in the Magic of Light Workshop, even as a silent student. The knowledge I gained from the lessons was huge, and has really set me up to be able to recognise and shoot in different types of light. I don’t know how I would have learnt all this about light otherwise! I feel like a new door has opened, I’m freshly inspired, and excited to put these new techniques into practice. It’s easy to see Summer has put everything into her course, and being the talented teacher she is, breaks light down in a way that’s easy to understand, and is always there to answer questions. What a fabulous course! I have no hesitation recommending the Magic of Light!” - Tania White

“I have been undertaking several light courses this year as I transition from being solely a landscape photographer to incorporating more lifestyle and portraiture work. After completing Summer's 'Magic of Light' class I would have to say that it should be the benchmark light course in photography education. Whether you are a professional looking to hone your skills, an amateur wanting to venture into the professional arena, or a hobbyist who would simply like to take better photos, I would consider this course to be essential. The content is amazing and includes text and video content along with generous and ongoing feedback from Summer. I can't recommend the Magic of Light enough!” - Lara Flanagan

“Even after hearing so much about this class, it exceeded expectations. The lessons were so thorough, so detailed. Summer is more than generous in her sharing of knowledge, tools, and helpful tricks, and is honest in her sharing of her path to mastering them. Even after nine years in business, I learned so much that I'll take with me every time I shoot now. I'm disappointed that I waited so long to grab a silent seat!” - Erin Brown

“The Magic of Light course has forever the changed the way I see light and its impact on photography. Summer's course not only teaches you about light but about shadows, and to consider both with the placement of your subject. You learn how to use the sun to enhance your images, literally from sunrise to sunset. You are given the tools to shoot in any type of light which means shooting all day and not just at magic hour. These techniques open a whole realm of possibilities and opportunity to experiment. I know this course will have a huge impact on my journey as a photographer and it has truly inspired me to push myself and keep creating. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to grow in their work. It is a gift to yourself as an artist that you should not pass up.” - Kerrie Sullivan

“I had an incredible experience taking The Magic of Light course. The lessons in themselves are incredibly inspiring, detailed, and presented in a manner that didn't make me feel like I was out of my depth even though I was taking the class amongst some incredibly talented and more experienced photographers. Summer herself is such an open, generous and engaged teacher - she managed to make everyone feel as though they were active students by responding to everyone's questions and comments, whether we were asking a technical question, marvelling at something we had learnt or sharing a personal story. I didn't know what to expect going into the course, but it was more than I could have ever hoped for.” - Lucia Bull

“Taking the Magic of Light class opened my eyes to light everywhere, even on overcast days. Summer does an excellent job of educating and inspiring and coaching in every lesson. Her gorgeous photography is the perfect backdrop for learning about using all kinds of light in your photography. She is unflinching in her willingness to share her lessons learned and her successes, and she explains how she got to both. No matter what you photograph, this class will inspire you to look at everything around you in terms of its relationship to light, and to confidently take photos no matter the time of day!” - Martha Janney

“Summer's feedback was extremely thoughtful, detailed, and really helpful! As an active student, at first I was very intimidated to listen to the video feedback for each assignment, but Summer's non-threatening and encouraging tips and advice were very useful! I am completely floored with the amount of attention she was able to give to each student! The content of each lesson was easy to understand and I found myself instantly inspired to try out Summer's techniques. Even after actively working on photography for the last 20 years, I still found so much to learn! I am finishing the class wishing I could sign right back up take it again!” - Margie Ryckman

Hey Summer!!! You have to be very proud!  Not only you are a great photographer but also a great person who wants to share all her knowledge and experience! I have studied photography for 3 years at a university and took a lot of photography courses and never felt the motivation, the inspiration and the love you gave this past 4 weeks. Really, you made me see things, think, try and never give up. There is a real before and an after in my life as a photographer after taking this class!!! “ - Lula Poggi

“I’ve taken many snapshots and pictures with my camera. What I want to be able to do is to make an image that conveys mood and connection. Without understanding how to work with natural light, I’ve struggled with creating photos that I’m satisfied with. I’m an enthusiast and have no aspirations to be a professional. What I do is for me, for love of the creating. Summer’s class is aptly named the “magic” of light because light is what brings depth and feeling to a photograph. Natural light is all around us but capturing the light to make our subject look the way we want, is difficult. I feel it’s the most difficult concept for me to master. It’s daunting to me to be able to harness the energy that light brings to what I’m photographing. It’s there, but how do I find what works. Summer’s instruction helps me understand the timing and angles to make light work for me. I feel motivated to keep practicing and become the photographer I want to be. Every lesson of this class is important to me and my growth; I can’t choose a favorite. The work flow of how Summer plans a family session is a bonus, so many valuable insights. Thank you, Summer for putting together a master class!” - Kay Snyder

“Summer gives you permission in response to your own doubt to find beauty in the ways that others are avoiding. She opens up the possibility to shooting in every light, and finding where it can be made interesting if it at first doesn't appear to. I first thought this course wasn't going to progress me any further, I merely registered initially because it was so highly recommended and thought it couldn't hurt. But the very first lesson was worth every penny - show stopping. I'm very grateful to have been able to take this course.” - Samantha Schinsky

“I can't thank Summer Murdock enough for The Magic of Light and for being such a responsive, kind and talented teacher. I found the design of her lessons to be particularly supportive. Reading the material first and then watching the video helped solidify my learning. The additional videos were inspiring. Summer's well thought out lessons made the material quite clear. I also enjoyed the pacing of the material, giving us time to let it soak in, to practice, to catch up and to ask questions. Her knowledge of light and her ability to dissect the many parts of light was impressive. I've never seen it broken down so well. Thank you, Summer!” - Candice Keis

“This is the second time I've taken this class - which I think speaks volumes about the class. I could take it several more times and learn something new each time, there is just so much information and knowledge that Summer pours into it. By using her own work, examples from others, videos and many other things to get the lessons across Summer teaches in a way that no matter how you learn, I think that you can find something that resonates here. The biggest challenge is getting into the class because so many want to take it. Keep trying - it's worth it!!” - Shalimar Beekman

: Magic of light is a life changing opportunity for photographer who are looking to step up on their confidence and knowledge. Summer is an incredible facilitator, bringing various aspects of photography and creativity together, in a way that is accessible and inspiring.” - Jay Lioz

“I absolutely loved this class. The class was recommended by another photographer in my mastermind class with Elena S. Blair. Elena challenged me to study light. To become obsessed with light. I am so happy I took your class.Thank you for sharing your passion and guidance to becoming a better photographer and artist. I appreciate all your help! loved learning from the active and silent students as well. Summer did a fantastic job balancing active and silent students. Thank you Summer!” - Marlo Moody

“This is my second run of The Magic of Light, this time around taking it as an alumni student and I am still completely blown away by Summer and her class! Summer doesn't hold back in sharing herself, her knowledge and her experience with the class. She has an incredible ability to create a safe space where all questions and comments are welcomed and I love that, no matter how silly I worried my question might be, Summer never treated it as such. She always answered with care and great detail and I am constantly learning from her. Her feedback to work, answers to questions and comments and overall participation in the class is incredibly thoughtful and specific to each person. There is nothing that has improved or shaped my photography more than this class. I cannot recommend it enough! So worth the money and time! Even as an alumni student, I still came away learning so much! LOVE THIS CLASS WITH ALL MY HEART!” - Brooke Wilson

“This class will make you not only see photography in a different light but you will most certainly view the world in a different light. When i drive to my full time job I can now see pockets of light that are so inspiring it makes me want to stop my car and play in the beauty. Taking this class makes me feel like a child again exploring the world for the first time. Every shadow and every highlight can evoke an emotion if you truly take the time to view it. Summer has a way of speaking that lets you know it's all ok to not get it right out of the gate. It may take time but man when you truly GET IT....it's a gift. A gift I will treasure for the rest of my years here on this quirky spinning piece of dirt. There truly is a magic in light.” - Stacey VanEerten

“I took this course after "retiring" from portrait photography. I wanted to rediscover the spark that inspired me to initially pick up a camera. I have loved Summer's ability to find and use light for many years and knew if I couldn't find that spark through this course, it was probably not going to be found. It was a fantastic way to get curious again and experiment with different techniques for nobody but myself. I'm excited to continue to push myself creatively.” Wendy VonSosen

“I loved the supportive atmosphere. Everyone in the class was with a different experience and background. Despite of that there was no judgment but lots of support. Summer's class is very very informative and covers a lot of things and little nuances. I've been photographing for about 7 years, studied a lot, and still found some very useful information in the class. And what is more important, I found lots of inspiration. Thank you, Summer and all the classmates. The course is quite intensive, and I took it during my busy season. So I finished working on the materials 3-4 weeks after the class ended. It's wonderful that I had access to the materials and was able to go through them at my own pace.” -Olga Abramova

“I took this class as a silent student, and worked my way through it on my own simply because my schedule is a bit wonky currently. I absolutely loved it. It was comprehensive, easy to follow, and inspirational. I finished with a greater understanding and appreciation of light and am looking forward to using all that I have learned. I'm SO, SO, SO glad I took this class and would HIGHLY recommend it. Summer is so knowledgable, thorough and encouraging!” Cory Blyth

“I have taken a few photography courses on light before but none of them came close to this course. Summer's course content is extremely detailed and she breaks down the elements which affect how the light appears in your images so that it is easy to understand how you can intentionally make the light appear the way you want in your images. Summer also spends a huge amount of time engaging with the students during the course and gives incredibly detailed feedback on assignments. I feel like my photography journey took a major leap forward while taking Summer's course and I would wholeheartedly recommend it to all. I know you will love it. The only problem I had with the course was that it took me about 9 months to get a place on the course as when the courses are opened up they get sold out in minutes. Thank you so much Summer I will be forever grateful to you for helping me understand light in a different way and will think of you when I am bobbing and diving :-)” - Maureen Stuart

“I attempted to enroll in the Magic of Light course three times, and I am so glad I did not give up! knew from online testimonials and real-life friends that the material would be stellar, and it did not disappoint. I genuinely looked forward to each new lesson that was released and loved learning about all different types of light and how to make even “undesirable” light work and shine. Ironically, I got into the class during one of my busiest client seasons yet, but I determined to stay on track and submit the assignments because I did not want to miss anything this class and Summer had to offer. Some nights I was up til midnight or woke up even earlier than my usual just to make sure I stayed on schedule. It really is that good and that important. The best part is that I will be able to carry the lessons with me into the future and cannot wait to continue to applying them both to my personal and client work.” - Meredith White